Apologies in advance for shit Mibbit logs. Lower-order spamming, offered to fuck my mom, probably not gonna go through with it now, etc. Put on aban list for lack of overall value as a human.
12:39 * the joined #site19
12:39 AndarielHalo hat what cannot be accounted for
12:39 scrubs hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime doll
12:39 the f
12:39 Tagliafierro But use protection
12:39 the I am the sculpture
12:39 Eskaway Hi, the. I'd suggest you use /nick DrNewName to change your name to something else.
12:39 * Marcuse joined #site19
12:39 AndarielHalo ops
12:39 * Wogglebug quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12:39 FlameShirt >tfw no baby, tfw no honey, tfw no ragtime gal
12:39 Eskaway Also, roleplaying isn't allowed here.
12:40 Tagliafierro >tfw no protection
12:40 the iam a hacker
12:40 AndarielHalo >tfw tfw means "the fucking win"
12:40 Eskaway The, this is a last chance. Change your nick and quit roleplaying or I'm kicking you.
12:40 Tagliafierro You are a cracket
12:40 Tagliafierro Cracker*
12:40 Bennings Oh shit! Aiden Pearce!
12:40 the 1883 7 474737347737347747338272828188182838228282828338288374477373737464646463734647473737373737373377374474774655646577574747848484838383838383838383833838383838338838383838383838383838484848848484848((
12:40 AndarielHalo whutchuwanna do, wanna be hackers, code crackers, slackers
12:40 Tagliafierro I put cheese on you
12:40 * the was kicked by Eskaway (Come back when you can behave in a more mature fashion.)
12:41 Tagliafierro And then I eat you
12:41 Bennings That's not even trying.
12:41 Bennings Just typing out random numbers? Worst troll ever?
12:41 Tagliafierro That's just spamming
12:41 Eskaway i feel hacked
12:41 Smapti Could be worse. He could have been typing out a deterministically preordained series of numbers.
12:41 * the joined #site19
12:41 CryogenChaos Numbers are hacking!
12:41 Eskaway You'll need to change your nick if you want to stay, the. Last chance before a permaban.
12:42 TheRaven Uh, Esk?
12:42 Tagliafierro Dang it
12:42 bluesoul|work 2hacker4me
12:42 Smapti "He's routing our Wifi! Quick - ping his IP."
12:42 the Eskaway
12:42 MontGone …a rathe poor troll indeed.
12:42 MontGone *rather
12:42 Smapti "It's no good, sir! He's crashed our internets!"
12:42 TheRaven I'm pretty sure that was discussed before, and he was told he could keep it
12:42 Tagliafierro I want to say a thing
12:42 Tagliafierro But
12:42 the Tagliafierro
12:42 Smapti "How many of our internets?"
12:42 Smapti (glasses)
12:42 Smapti "ALL OF THEM."
12:42 SoundChaser …
12:42 FlameShirt Guys, please shut up and stop being dumb
12:42 FlameShirt Smapti: ur the worst, pls stop
12:42 the iam going to fuck your mum
12:42 Tagliafierro I don"t want it to be on the admin site
12:42 —- Eskaway has banned *!*@synIRC-32BBBB9D.range81-132.btcentralplus.com
12:42 * the was kicked by Eskaway (Eskaway)