08:35 * Scp1000 joined #site19
08:35 Athena_Grey yeah I like her CD too
08:35 Paroxysm Hullo.
08:35 Eskobear I had a router that used to fail consistently until I got a new one.
08:35 Athena_Grey badum tish
08:36 Eskobear Scp1000, hi. You should probably know that we frown upon SCP-related nicks.
08:36 Scp1000 I will kill u all
08:36 Paroxysm Eskobear
08:36 * Scp1000 was kicked by Eskobear (No. Try again later.)
Paroxysm said that this was a troll who had been around for the last little while, joining and rejoining. I've added to Alex's ban list as a permaban for trolling; if they want to appeal, I figure they can come to 17. Not necessarily permaban-worthy under normal circumstances, but if they're consistently joining and rejoining at times when there aren't many ops around, I'd rather they have to jump through some hoops for a little bit.