So, uh, nine-year old wandered in.
- HI (||tibbiM) has joined
<HI> SCP Site yay!
<HI> …
<Bennings> Oh hi
<SoundChaser> Hi hi. Ya new?
<HI> Yes
<SoundChaser> Welcome, then
<Bennings> Welcome. Welcome to Site19. It's safer here.
<Voct> Hydrogen iodide?
<HI> Oh course it is.
<HI> Of course it is I meant.
<HI> So, is anyone a doctor in here?
<Kens|Laptop> I'm an engineering major.
<Kens|Laptop> Which is close enough.
<HI> Nice.
<SoundChaser> I'm taking psych a-level
<Voct> HI - do you mean in the sense of someone with a PhD, or an MD, or a fictional SCP Foundation doctor?
- AndarielHalo has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<SoundChaser> same thing
<Bennings> I'm a doctor of awesomeness.
<Odocoileus> I'm an artist which is totally not a doctor related thing!
<Djoric> HI you do realize I'm going to bug you about the Horizon Initiative from henceforth, ya?
<HI> Well I am a doctor and you might think I might be SCP-049 but I really am not.
<SoundChaser> …you do know this ain't real, right?
<Bennings> ops
<HI> Whats not real?
<SoundChaser> bennings, kens' right there
<ProcyonLotor> HI: this entire site
- DrStien has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<HI> Im a scientist at the SCP Foundation.
<SoundChaser> The SCP Foundation. All creative writing
<ProcyonLotor> this entire site is not real
<Bennings> Oh for fuck's sake.
<ProcyonLotor> Roleplaying is against the rules.
<HI> Really?
<Kens|Laptop> HI: For the record, thisi sn't an RP site.
<ProcyonLotor> Yeah.
<Devereaux> HI: Stop roleplaying now.
<ProcyonLotor> I got it, Dev.
<Devereaux> Fine, fine.
<Bennings> Why the hell would a top secrete database be on the internet where any goon could find it?
<Kens|Laptop> Relax, Bennings.
<Bennings> Kens|Laptop: Sorry.
- AndarielHalo (ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.AA26261C-CRInys|aHleiradnA#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.AA26261C-CRInys|aHleiradnA) has joined
<Kens|Laptop> It's cool.
<Djoric> I can confirm, I am a goon, I write shit for the site
- Dr_Leonard patpats Bennings
<Dr_Leonard> It's okay, man.
<Trolley33> Let's all take a deep breath
- DrStien (PI.79EDD16E.4A13ABA6.BB0469E9|tibbiM#PI.79EDD16E.4A13ABA6.BB0469E9|tibbiM) has joined
<Trolley33> And calm our tits
<Trolley33> In
<Kens|Laptop> Trolley33: Shush.
<Trolley33> out
<Dr_Leonard> Nah, I'm good
- atlas_cobalt (moc.rr.ser.eldnahnap.4F042C6E-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.eldnahnap.4F042C6E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<DrStien> Jesus
<Voct> Djoric - are you an *SA* goon?
<DrStien> What did I just come back to
<Trolley33> Sh
<HI> Im gonna go on and look at the thing at the bottom of the distrciption and see the thing where it says "We started firing when it picked up Corporal _ and ripped off his leg"
<Trolley33> no tears
<Trolley33> just hugs
<Djoric> Voct: nope
<HI> Is that not disgusting?!
<ProcyonLotor> HI: How old are you?
- qptain_Nemo has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Kens|Laptop> Not really.
<Trolley33> HI, not to sound rude but… it's pretty /obvious/ you're new
<Voct> what's the worst message you could have on a custom license plate? I'm going with "FUCK COPS"
<Bennings> Someone in my class once described the SA as "Hitler's private muscle", and the teacher said it sounded rude.
<DrStien> Hi you can find much worse than that
<Trolley33> so I'd just lurk for a while if I were you
<HI> ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
<atlas_cobalt> bye
<Meserach> man, 096 is I bet like 33% of the re4ason we get so many skips submitted in a 5x 5x5m steel cube
<Bennings> Bye.
<Trolley33> get the idea of chat more
<HI> Immmm
<HI> Uhhh
<ProcyonLotor> HI: Answer the question.
<Kens|Laptop> Just out with it.
<HI> Y-Yeah.
<HI> Uhhhh
<Djoric> or, like, have conversations like a normal human being
<ProcyonLotor> It's not something that requires much thought.
<ProcyonLotor> you have 10 seconds
<Voct> Bennings - I meant "Something Awful", not sturmarbeitung
<Trolley33> He only has 10 fingers and 10 toes
- ProcyonLotor has kicked HI from #site19 (Time up.\)
<Bennings> Voct: Well, that's awkward. Sorry.
<SoundChaser> Five quid on him being twelve
- HI (||tibbiM) has joined
<Trolley33> Rekt [X] Not rekt []
<ProcyonLotor> Now, answer the question.
<HI> Whats the question
<ProcyonLotor> How old are you.
<ProcyonLotor> It's two digits.
- Trolley33 sighs deeply
<HI> THATS the question
<ProcyonLotor> Maybe one, I dunno.
<HI> 2 digits?!
- AndarielHalo has quit (Ping timeout: 185 seconds)
<Kens|Laptop> HI answer the question or you will get a 24 hour ban.
<Trolley33> Kick
- AndarielHalo (~ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.AA26261C-CRInys|leiradnA#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.AA26261C-CRInys|leiradnA) has joined
<Workbot> Odocoileus!
<Trolley33> clutch or kick
<HI> 19
- ProcyonLotor has kicked HI from #site19 (bullshit)
<Kens|Laptop> Shut up Trolley33
- HI (||tibbiM) has joined
<Odocoileus> Workbot!~
<ProcyonLotor> Now how old are you really.
<HI> Im telling the truth now
<atlas_cobalt> what did i just walk into
<HI> (Dont laugh please…)
<Workbot> Odocoileus!
<Kens|Laptop> I don't believe you, HI.
<HI> Im
<HI> Im
- qptain_Nemo (~ur.skrowtenelbaclanoitan.827A5079-CRInys|Nq#ur.skrowtenelbaclanoitan.827A5079-CRInys|Nq) has joined
<HI> Ugh
<HI> Im 9
<HI> there
<HI> Happy?!
<ProcyonLotor> Thank you.
<Odocoileus> How have you been!? :3
<atlas_cobalt> bye
- ProcyonLotor has kicked atlas_cobalt from #site19 (Don't backseat.)
<Workbot> Odocoileus: working working
- atlas_cobalt (moc.rr.ser.eldnahnap.4F042C6E-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.eldnahnap.4F042C6E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<HI> Backseat?
<ProcyonLotor> I'm sorry, but the age limit for here is 15.
<HI> ?
<HI> Crap.
<ProcyonLotor> You're not allowed to participate here until you're of that age.
<Odocoileus> :( but at least money, right?
<HI> Ok fine
<ProcyonLotor> So, uh, see you in six years I guess.
<Workbot> Odocoileus: in my shitty economy but yeah, monays
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*
- ProcyonLotor has kicked HI from #site19 (ProcyonLotor)
I was probably a little rougher than ideal because I thought he was being intentionally stupid and wasn't, like, nine years old. Hindsight's 20/20, I guess.