Spammed some russian and other nonsense and trolled.
[16:12] * SCP-001 (PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM#PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:12] <%Piefish> Hello SCP-001, can you change the nickname please?
[16:12] <SCP-001> SCP
[16:12] <SCP-001> (((
[16:12] <%Piefish> SCP- names are not allowed
[16:12] * Kalinin (ten.labolgcbs.ackorf.deepsthgil.03B318DD-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ackorf.deepsthgil.03B318DD-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:12] <SCP-001> ok
[16:12] <Silber> yes, this is SCP chat
[16:12] * SCP-001 (PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM#PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: SCP-001)
[16:12] <%Piefish> You can change the name by typing /nick [nickname]
[16:12] <%Piefish> …
[16:12] <%Piefish> GOD
[16:12] <%Piefish> DAMN
[16:12] <%Piefish> IT
[16:12] * KateMcTiriss (||ei.xid) has joined #site19
[16:12] <Paroxysm> Piefish
[16:12] <Paroxysm> Fair warning
[16:12] * commander (PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM#PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:12] <Paroxysm> the last SCP-001 who joined was troll.
[16:12] <%Piefish> Welcome back
[16:13] <Silber> Welcome to the SCP community chat
[16:13] <AndyHalo> pieman
[16:13] <commander> hi all
[16:13] <%Piefish> Can I ask if you've read the chat guide commander?
[16:14] <commander> я твой дом труба шатал азазазазаз
[16:14] * commander (PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM#PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[16:14] <%Piefish> Anyone have that font installed?
[16:14] <%Piefish> I don't
[16:14] * sendman (~PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM#PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:14] <%Piefish> Welcome back
[16:14] <AndyHalo> it's some kind of sandwich lettering
[16:15] <Paroxysm> it's russian
[16:15] <sendman> !11!!1!11
[16:15] <%Piefish> Since I don't have that font installed sendman, can you please tell me what you just said
[16:15] * Salzvatik (ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.6BAE6CA4-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.6BAE6CA4-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:15] <sendman> !!111!1!11!
[16:15] <%Piefish> Stop that
[16:15] <%Piefish> Now
[16:15] <Paroxysm> "I'm your house pipe Shatalov azazazazaz"
[16:15] <%Piefish> Op order
[16:15] <%Piefish> wut
[16:15] <Paroxysm> that is the translation from Russian to English
[16:15] <sendman> А ТЫ ПОХОЖ НА ЖОПУ
[16:15] <%Piefish> sendman, Stop speaking in russian
[16:15] <AndyHalo> translate that now, I command
[16:15] <%Piefish> Op order
[16:15] <Salzvatik> Well now
[16:15] <Paroxysm> That is Russian again
[16:15] <Paroxysm> DO YOU LIKE HELL
[16:16] <sendman> NOPE
[16:16] <Paroxysm> That is what sendman just said
[16:16] <sendman> AZAZAZAZ
[16:16] <AndyHalo> hell….o kitty?
[16:16] <Salzvatik> This is an interesting way to come in
[16:16] <sendman> TRALLL
[16:16] <Illustrio> oessime
[16:16] <sendman> !!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:16] <Paroxysm> It's a troll Piefish.
[16:16] <AndyHalo> you're so silly silly
[16:16] <Paroxysm> It's the same troll as last time.
[16:16] <sendman> ЛАЛАОАОАОА
[16:16] * sendman was kicked by Piefish (Sandvich)
[16:16] <Paroxysm> Spam post google translate nonsense.
[16:16] <Paroxysm> Same exact thing he did last time.
[16:16] <Paroxysm> :^)
[16:16] <AndyHalo> it's spelled "sandwich"
[16:16] <Illustrio> boring
[16:16] <%Piefish> Is there an O5 log?
[16:17] <Paroxysm> I'm not sure
[16:17] <Paroxysm> I don't check the O5 site
[16:17] <%Piefish> How long ago was it
[16:17] <Paroxysm> Week
[16:17] <Paroxysm> brb
[16:17] * Paroxysm (PI.21454E1E.42E854BB.F0AA9309|tibbiM#PI.21454E1E.42E854BB.F0AA9309|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax
[16:17] <AndyHalo> .w south sandwich island
[16:17] <%Alexandra> AndyHalo: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) is a British overseas territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean. —
[16:17] <Salzvatik> How is everyone?
[16:17] <Illustrio> we are good
[16:18] <Illustrio> still working on my mind balloons
[16:18] * tank (PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM#PI.ED0E4FF7.86AE7846.3BBB6B87|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:18] <tank> hi again
[16:18] <Illustrio> or are they brain balloons?
[16:18] <tank> )
[16:18] <%Piefish> Welcome back again
[16:18] <%Piefish> Are you ready to chat normally?
[16:18] * Mr_Flicker (PI.E8A6EB4D.1A976BE9.D30E57D4|tibbiM#PI.E8A6EB4D.1A976BE9.D30E57D4|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:18] <%Piefish> If not it'll be a ban
[16:18] <tank> yes
[16:18] <%Piefish> Good
[16:18] <Salzvatik> .3.
[16:18] <AndyHalo> .w kyriakides
[16:18] <%Alexandra> AndyHalo: no results found
[16:18] <%Piefish> Have you read the chat guide?
[16:18] <AndyHalo> oh fuck
[16:18] <tank> nope
[16:18] <AndyHalo> I misspelled it
[16:19] <%Piefish> How old are you tank?
[16:19] <Mr_Flicker> pososou for ipad
[16:19] <tank> 999999999
[16:19] <tank> years
[16:19] * Piefish sets mode: +b *!*@78B6BBB3.6487EA68.7FF4E0DE.IP
[16:19] <Illustrio> eeyup
- Timer 1 activated
[16:19] * tank was kicked by Devereaux (That's not the right answer)
- Timer 1 halted
[16:19] <AndyHalo> 9 years old
[16:19] <%Piefish> Damn it
[16:19] <%Piefish> I was kick banning :P
Edit: From VAE
[16:34] <VAE> Just dropping in to say (about the anon on O5). The first phrase can be better translated as I fuck your house's chimney, and comes from this!
[16:34] <VAE> meme
[16:34] <VAE> second one was "Go to the arse"
[16:35] <VAE> so yeah, dude wasn't spewing random russian, he tossed about insults.