<Devil2660> i love lesbian porn and yet im a guy
* assassin (ten.nanserb.tneilc.yw-lwr.460A767B-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nanserb.tneilc.yw-lwr.460A767B-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<tahugamin> Oh no! An assassin!
- tahugamin offskis
<assassin> hi
<Tuomey> clone: why is he suddenly doing the thing after two years??
<Eskobear> Hi. Welcome to the chatroom.
<Metaphysician> Wow. I have finished my first draft of my first SCP.
<clone> Tuomey: fuck if I know
<SoundChaser> Hi assassin
<Metaphysician> …Of course, haven't thought of what number to use. Any that are available would work, I guess.
<Fluke> I am not here today.
<SoundChaser> Metaphysician, you putting it on the forum?
<assassin> i dont work here
<Metaphysician> Yar.
<SoundChaser> Or will you just ask chat a few times?
<Tuomey> clone: tell him I said he's a butt
<SoundChaser> Metaphysician: Well, good luck
<Soulless|writing> Hello assassin are you new
<assassin> yes
<clone> Tuomey: no I'm having fun omfg
<Metaphysician> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/metaphysician
<Soulless|writing> Welcome assassin, I need to ask you a few questions
<Soulless|writing> Firstly assassin how old are you?
<clone> Tuomey: sadly I don't think he can even grow a neckbeard and become the full fedora
<Tuomey> clone: you gonna troll him?
<Fluke> Honestly, going against "conformation" because too many people embody a thing is just as bad as mindlessly accepting something dubious.
<Metaphysician> Will go find the proper forum to post it. I know parts certainly need help with tone, some more technical/scientific mumbojumbo.
<Tuomey> oh he's a fedora type
<Tuomey> oh dear
<clone> Tuomey: I haven't seen a picture of him in one
<Metaphysician> The poor fedora…
<clone> but it's probably embedded into his soul
<Fluke> But maybe that's just my muckle-brain being its muckled self right now.
<Soulless|writing> Metaphysician: if you haven[t posted by tuesday please message me if you still want reviews
<Tuomey> clone: > Here's a blog: ihatetombs
<Tuomey> what the /fuck/ tumblr
<assassin> 20
<Soulless|writing> assassin: Ok welcome
<clone> Tuomey: what no
<clone> tombs are gr8
<Soulless|writing> assassin: Have you read our chat guide?
<assassin> no
<tahugamin> Tombs stop the zombies! :P
<Tuomey> clone: it popped up in that dumb recommended thing
- e_e has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Fluke> clone: Maybe it's too claustrophobic for them?
<Soulless|writing> assassin: please read our chat guide, it is mandatory for being on chat
<assassin> ok
<clone> Fluke: zing
<Soulless|writing> assassin: You may come back anytime after you've read our chat gujide ok? It's right on the chat page, just scroll up a bit from the clientbold text
* Soulless|writing has kicked assassin from #site19 (Come back anytime after you've read our chat guide, thank you for your cooperation)
A few minutes later:
* Devil2660 (ten.nanserb.tneilc.yw-lwr.460A767B-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nanserb.tneilc.yw-lwr.460A767B-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Eskobear> Hi, assassin! Have you read the chat guide?
<thedeadlymoose> Djoric: that's pretty much completely impossible
<thedeadlymoose> :D
- Nightranger (ten.labolgcbs.ligchc.lsd.5E813A09-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ligchc.lsd.5E813A09-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- Alexandra has kicked Nightranger from #site19 (Your nick/ip matches one in Alexandra's Database, Reason for ban: Underage, lying about it, insisting SCPs are real. If you wish to appeal please join channel #site17 )
- Alexandra sets ban on *!ten.labolgcbs.ligchc.lsd.5E813A09-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ligchc.lsd.5E813A09-CRInys|tibbiM
<Alexandra> OP Alert: Autokicking Nightranger. They are Nightranger
<Tuomey> lol
<Tuomey> pwnd
<Devil2660> whos assassin
<thedeadlymoose> XD
<Eskobear> i'd like to place a motion on the floor to change his ban reason to "FOR FINDING MISTER RIGHT!"
- ImQ009 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<Djoric> moose: if you want to be accurate, the whales are only the vehicle for my obsessive hate of 231
<Eskobear> Devil2660, you are. You were here ten minutes ago.
<Djoric> you are confusing accidents for essense
<Eskobear> We can see your hostname.
<thedeadlymoose> Djoric: hahahahahahaha
<thedeadlymoose> Djoric: fair enough
- Dr_Kalesky (moc.rr.ser.wen.42CA2666-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.wen.42CA2666-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Devil2660> what
<Eskobear> You have a thing called a hostname that follows you to different places.
<Eskobear> Like an IP address for your computer
<Djoric> See, when possessing as much hate as i hold, it is important to understand its methodology
<Eskobear> We'll know who you are regardless of what nick you use.
<kaktus> Oh goody
<Devil2660> oh that was my friend
<kaktus> Uh huh
<Eskobear> No, it wasn't. That was literally you, ten minutes ago.
<Reject> ಠ_ಠ
<Devil2660> :D
<clone> ಠmಠ
<kaktus> heard that one before
<SoundChaser> it begins
<Eskobear> Guys, this is gotten.
<Eskobear> Devil2660, the question remains: have you successfully finished reading the chat guide?
<Eskobear> From where soulless asked you to do so?
<Devil2660> huh
<Fluke> I personally prefer characters that are well rounded, no matter how fucked up they are because I'm a psychology nut who loves learning about people.
<Devil2660> yeah i did
<clone> Fluke: go read ASOIAF then
<thedeadlymoose> Fluke: What are we talking about?
<Eskobear> And you're sure you're 19?
<thedeadlymoose> (also seconding clone)
<Fluke> I'm just being a nut.
<Devil2660> 20
<clone> Fluke: you can be a nut who reads asoiaf
<Eskobear> Good enough. Just make sure you follow the guidelines and don't run afoul of the ops, and you should be okay.
<Devil2660> wheres soulless
<Soulless|writing> <Djoric> you are confusing accidents for essense
<Soulless|writing> I thought this was gonna be a bad gay fanfic for a second
<thedeadlymoose> rofl
<Soulless|writing> "that boner isn't an accident, it is the essence of your attraction to me"
<thedeadlymoose> Djoric: Make it a bad gay fanfic
<Soulless|writing> or some shit
<thedeadlymoose> please pleeeeeeaaaaaase
<thedeadlymoose> :D
<Djoric> Soulless|writing: I could add Clef x Konny as a bastardized and grotesque mockery of human interaction. Sound good?
- thedeadlymoose not actually serious but would legitimately enjoy it
<Soulless|writing> Djoric: lol
<Tesseract> kek
<Soulless|writing> > bastardized and grotesque mockery of human interaction
<Fluke> I would read some stuff except I'm not all that "here" today.
<Soulless|writing> >implying that I wouldn't love t
<Soulless|writing> Fluke: Go get some sensory input in you
<Djoric> Imma do it fo you, Soulless
<Djoric> which means you're taking the blame
<Soulless|writing> kk
<Fluke> Brb getting a snack.
<Soulless|writing> :D
<Soulless|writing> I love you djoric
<Tesseract> oh god
<Tesseract> http://norma2tonos.bandcamp.com/track/warhol
<Devil2660> :/
<Tesseract> I have forgotten great is this band
<Fluke> OJ and carrots! OwO
<Vith> orange juice does not go with carrots
<Fluke> I have a tanker for a stomach, don't worry.
<thedeadlymoose> Devil2660: ?
<Devil2660> i love lesbian porn and yet im a guy
<kaktus> Er
* Eskobear has kicked Devil2660 from #site19 (GOT IT)
<SoundChaser> …
* Eskobear sets ban on *!*@synIRC-B767A064.rwl-wy.client.bresnan.net
Banned, apologized in 17, had his ban explained to him, kicked. Aban set to perma, since regardless of if it's perma or underage, he can't appeal for a year unless we decide otherwise. Hostname is synIRC-B767A064.rwl-wy.client.bresnan.net.