So he came to 19, sockpuppeted, evaded ban, pretended to be nanoro (I found that odd since this kind of behaviour is not that of Nanoro) and Pixel slapped Alexandra awake so she banned.
[15:57] <Eraser> by the way……you all already know WHO I AM
[15:57] <%Piefish> Sevn?
[15:57] <Athena_Grey> Sevn SCPs aren't real
[15:57] <DrJM> Who?
[15:57] <DrJM> Sevn knows
[15:57] <Athena_Grey> and we don't roleplay in this chatroom
[15:57] <Eraser> DrJM you know me so well
[15:57] <DrJM> He was one, once.
[15:57] <%Piefish> Eraser just say who you are
[15:57] <DrJM> Manster?
[15:57] <DrJM> AGoodCabinet?
[15:57] <DrJM> I want to guess those two, for somereason
[15:57] <Sevn> we used to be one, but we had to split
[15:57] <Eraser> even you Piefish, Nanoro…and you Bennings
[15:58] <DrJM> I smell a ban
[15:58] <%Piefish> Then say who you are
[15:58] <Bennings> What have I done?
[15:58] <Tagliafierro> Guys
[15:58] <%Piefish> Sevn: cut that shit out
[15:58] <%Piefish> Op order
[15:58] <Tagliafierro> Can we talk about mah skip?
[15:58] <DrJM> Why is Bennings always dragged into this!
[15:58] * Soulless (||erD) has joined #site19
[15:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Soulless
[15:58] <Eraser> first…how do i make a sandbox
[15:58] <%PixelWarrior> DrJM: We don't need your commentary
[15:58] <Tagliafierro> Soulll
[15:58] <%Piefish> Eraser, you better say who you are now
[15:58] <%Piefish> Otherwise you get kicked for sockpuppeting
[15:58] <DreadLindwyrm> Aside from that the Mass section is OK… I'm not sure what it adds other than "wow, they've got a wacky religion going on"
[15:58] <DrJM> Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know op business has kicked in.
[15:58] <Unit12p> sockpuppeting
[15:58] <Unit12p> intresting word
[15:58] <Eraser> w8 im trying to find an image
[15:59] <%Piefish> Last chance
[15:59] <%Piefish> state who you are now
[15:59] <Eraser> I am
[15:59] <Tagliafierro> The mass is supposed to explain why the do that stuff
[15:59] * Eraser takes deep breath
[15:59] <Eraser> Nanoro
[15:59] * PixelWarrior sets mode: +b *!*@25713802.1F913643.4799C737.IP
[15:59] * PixelWarrior sets mode: -b *!*@25713802.1F913643.4799C737.IP
[16:00] <Unit12p> frick I can't remember if my class is at 12 or 12:30
[16:00] <Eraser> just kidding. im actually aGoodCabinet…and here is some sockpuppeting
[16:00] <DrStien> assume its 12:00 man
[16:00] * PixelWarrior sets mode: +b *!*@25713802.1F913643.4799C737.IP
[16:00] <@Soulless> Hello
[16:00] * DrStien bows
[16:00] <Bennings> Oh hai Soulless.
[16:01] <Unit12p> yeah, that's prob a safe bet. plus 30 minutes isn't much to wait
[16:01] <DrStien> good day soulless
[16:01] <DrJM> Hey
[16:01] <Unit12p> hello o/
[16:01] * PixelWarrior sets mode: -b *!*@25713802.1F913643.4799C737.IP
[16:01] <DrStien> anyone care to read the begging of a messy draft?
[16:01] <Tagliafierro> Hey Soul
[16:01] <@Soulless> How is everone
[16:01] <Eraser> hi soul
[16:01] * Eraser was kicked by Alexandra (Your nick/ip matches one in Alexandra's Database, Reason for ban: Ignoring op orders, creeper shit. If you wish to appeal please join channel #site17 )
[16:01] * Alexandra sets mode: +b *!~PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM#PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM
[16:01] <%Alexandra> OP Alert: Autokicking Eraser. They are aGoodCabinet
Also came into 17:
[16:02] * Eraser (~PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM#PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[16:02] <Eraser> creeper shit huh?
[16:02] <Eraser> if only you can get over that
[16:02] <Piefish> Sockpuppeting is pretty bad too Eraser
[16:02] <@Soulless> Are you here just to complain that you were called out for being creepy?
[16:02] <Piefish> Also saying you're nanoro when you're not?
[16:02] <Eraser> omg
[16:02] <Piefish> Really not cool
[16:02] <Eraser> you can chat here?
[16:03] <Eraser> usually i never see anyone here but me
[16:03] <Eraser> but im sorry
[16:03] <Eraser> ive been going through alot……and you won't want to know anyway
[16:04] <Piefish> Not an excuse for behaving as you have been on chat
[16:04] <Eraser> fine
[16:04] <Eraser> i wont come back to chat anymore
[16:04] <PixelWarrior> If you don't think you are capable of chatting appropriately you should not be chatting
[16:04] * Athena_Grey (~PI.61665167.A942DFBD.5F27740E|tibbiM#PI.61665167.A942DFBD.5F27740E|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[16:06] <PixelWarrior> Do you have anything else you want to say? Otherwise you'll have to leave
[16:06] <Piefish> Ban evasion is another thing to add btw
[16:06] <Piefish> Definite no no
[16:08] <PixelWarrior> I'll give you about 30 seconds
[16:08] <Eraser> you want me to leave right?
[16:08] <PixelWarrior> If you've got nothing else to say, yes
[16:09] * Eraser (~PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM#PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
yeah voting for permaing that perma
Edit: Tried to get into 19 again, Alexandra kicked
[16:13] * Carilis (PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM#PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:13] * Carilis was kicked by Alexandra (Your nick/ip matches one in Alexandra's Database, Reason for ban: Ignoring op orders, creeper shit. If you wish to appeal please join channel #site17 )
[16:13] * Alexandra sets mode: +b *!PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM#PI.737C9974.346319F1.20831752|tibbiM
[16:13] <%Alexandra> OP Alert: Autokicking Carilis. They are aGoodCabinet