Item# SCP-3000
Object class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-3000 is to be contained within a 5 x 5 m room constructed of [REDACTED]. Under no circumstances may any Sentient Being come within 4 m (12 feet) of SCP-3000.
SCP-3000 does not require any further containment
SCP-3000 is a Pinball machine titled [DATA EXPUNGED] from 1989 weighing 39 kg it appears to "rise" slowly during the hours of █:██ and █:30 this rising is described as levetation 1-2 inches off the ground the reason for this remains a mystery. whenever a sentient being stands 12 feet or closer in front of SCP-3000 the subject will begin to walk uncontrollably towards it. once it has reached 1 foot in front of it the subject will be forced to play it once the subject begins playing [REDACTED] they Begin developing a phobia all have been experienced before these include phobias of Metal , Iodine & a mysterious phobia of SCP-███ which is securely locked away.
Once the player has proceeded to obtain a score of 430 they will begin complaining the room temperature is too cold after this phase the player will instantly die once he has reached a high score of ████ this death happens for all test subjects who play SCP-3000. Researchers from ████████ U.S.S.R have attempted to open SCP-3000 & view the Internal components they found the machine hollow & without any batteries yet anybody could turn it on and play it The details if this anomalous property is unknown if a player quits playing SCP-3000 they will suffer severe Blood loss without any open wounds or cuts observed within the subject the blood loss process is painless & drains 1 pint of blood per 30 seconds after about 2 minutes the subject will die from Cardiac arrest the reason for this is as of yet unknown
Experiment 3000-1
D-279 enters the room with a video camera
Dr.████ "Please approach SCP-3000"
D-279 "What that broken down 60's Soda machine?"
Dr.████ "Yes approach it now please"
D-279 stands 5 feet from SCP-3000
D-279 "now what?"
Dr.████ "Wait for further instruction"
D-279 "Sorry Doc I feel like I should play some pinball"
Dr.████ "Proceed"
D-279 stands directly in front of SCP-3000 & powers it on
D-279 "This doesn't look so hard"
Dr.████ "begin playing"
D-279 acquires a score of 100
D-279 "awh yeah this is great"
D-279 acquires a score of 220
Dr.████ "Perhaps you might want to take a break"
D-279. "No way this is awesome!"
Dr.████ "very well"
D-279 acquires a score of 430
D-279 "Yo doc you mind turning the heat up It's freezing in here"
Dr.████ "The temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit how are you cold?"
Dr.████ changes the temperature to 90 degrees Farenheit
D-279 "I said turn up the heat Doc!"
Dr.████ changes the temperature to 115 degrees Farenheit
D-279 "That's more like it"
D-279 continues playing for 6 hours
D-279 acquires a high score of ████
D-279 "Doc I don't feel so good"
Dr.████ "very well the experiment ends here"
D-279 was rushed to the medical center & found his body losing blood 1 pint per 30 seconds
2 minutes later D-279 said his final words "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" & died of Cardiac arrest
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