Hey folks. I have some news to pass on.
I'm retiring from the SCP wiki as senior staff.
I have been part of staff for a little over four years now, and I'm burned out. Between everything that's been going on both online and offline, it's been getting harder to balance both. I'm going to miss all of you.
The past four years have been one hell of a roller coaster ride. The highs have been high, but the lows have been really low, and after being here as long as I have, I'm tired. I barely read an SCP article for fun anymore, much less write one. Maybe I'll come back in time and ask for consideration to be put back on staff in any capacity, but I need some time to myself.
Since this is pretty much going to be one of my last posts, and I have this convenient soap box, I might as well talk about what the wiki has meant to me.
The wiki has been one of the best things to happen to me in some time. I've made some great friends here. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about writing a creepypasta. I met my current girlfriend (of two years). I even became semi-famous because of the posters. The IRC community especially helped me get through a particularly rough patch of my life a few years ago when things were especially hard to deal with.
I've seen the wiki grow from maybe 12 active people at once to about 10x as many. #site19 went from 28 on a popular day to a 90 daily average. Daily number of visitors to the wiki are now averaging 30k-40k. I'm proud to have been part of the staff to see that happen.
I'm proud of you guys for doing your best to make it happen.
Granted, it hasn't always been a smooth process, but for the most part the decisions have been reasonable and for the best.
Take care, folks. I'm going to miss you.
- Dr. Kens
P.S.: frt frt frt.