So apparently I spoke too soon. The IRL business I mentioned in my opening post is not only still going, but is much worse now than it was then. I won't get into details, but suffice to say I'm going to need to take an…indefinite hiatus. I sincerely hope that this doesn't last longer than a few months, but I honestly can't say for sure what's going to happen.
I've appointed weizhong as my second-in-command and temporary captain of the Rewrite Team if you need a direct point of contact.
I'm going to miss all of you and I really don't want to be away for so long, but I've been given no other alternative, so I'm just going to say this: this site has been exceptionally important to me, and all I've ever wanted to do is help it grow and reach it's full potential. I'd like to think I did that, to some degree, and one day (hopefully not too far away) I want to continue doing that. You all have helped me grow as a writer, and quite honestly I wouldn't be too far off to call you all friends.
At the risk of getting super sappy and super final, thank you all for everything.