Trimmed for length and fluff.
(4:04:08 PM) coolkid [~ten.tsacmoc.jn.1dsh.649B6A28-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.jn.1dsh.649B6A28-CRInys|tibbiM] entered the room.
(4:04:39 PM) coolkid: how can I join scp
(4:04:47 PM) SoundChaser: Apply
(4:05:10 PM) SoundChaser: Well, read the guides first
(4:07:38 PM) coolkid: how can I join scp
(4:07:44 PM) SoundChaser: Apply coolkid
(4:07:49 PM) coolkid: ok
(4:08:03 PM) SoundChaser: Read the guides first
(4:08:04 PM) coolkid: how can I apply
(4:08:06 PM) SoundChaser:
(4:08:29 PM) coolkid: ok
(4:15:48 PM) coolkid: what is SVP 173
(4:16:02 PM) SoundChaser: Statue what moves and doesn;t afraid
(4:16:13 PM) coolkid: what is scp 173
(4:16:25 PM) SoundChaser: Still a moving statue, buddy
(4:18:18 PM) coolkid: what is scp 478
(4:18:31 PM) Bennings: SCP-478
(4:18:32 PM) Alexandra: Bennings: SCP-478 (Tooth Fairies, Written by Dexanote, Rating:+136) -
(4:18:38 PM) SoundChaser: coolkid: there's a searchbar at the top of the page
(4:18:48 PM) Dexanote coils in
(4:18:49 PM) Dexanote: Hello.
(4:18:59 PM) Bennings: Oh hai.
(4:18:59 PM) SoundChaser: Hey there
(4:19:08 PM) coolkid: hey
(4:19:08 PM) Dexanote: I just wanna say
(4:19:10 PM) Dexanote: SCP-611
(4:19:11 PM) Alexandra: Dexanote: SCP-611 (Parasitic Toothpick, Written by TroyL, Rating:+136) -
(4:19:14 PM) Dexanote: Scarier than tooth fairies
(4:19:18 PM) Dexanote: Like i mean that
(4:19:21 PM) SoundChaser: …nope
(4:19:23 PM) Dexanote: its disgusting
(4:19:27 PM) Dexanote: And incredible
(4:19:36 PM) Dexanote: … holy shit theyre equally matched in votes for the first time ever
(4:19:38 PM) SoundChaser nope's into th sunset
(4:19:42 PM) Dexanote: GOTTA READ IT NOW
(4:20:04 PM) VinceWrites: fuck 611, man.
(4:20:06 PM) VinceWrites: fuck that thing
(4:20:08 PM) VinceWrites: :|
(4:20:09 PM) TroyL: <3
(4:20:11 PM) TroyL: Eheheh
(4:20:15 PM) TroyL: My first Skip.
(4:22:00 PM) coolkid: was there any escaped scps
(4:22:29 PM) bluesoul|work: coolkid: how old are you?
(4:25:17 PM) coolkid: were is the Scp foundation
(4:25:27 PM) bluesoul: coolkid: How old are you?
(4:25:45 PM) coolkid: 19
(4:25:56 PM) TroyL: and yet… you're cool… and a kid.
(4:26:00 PM) ***TroyL peers carefully.
(4:26:19 PM) TroyL: Who was Bill Clinton's vice president? :|
(4:27:04 PM) Dexanote: Troy i dont even know that
(4:27:06 PM) Dexanote: and im 23
(4:27:13 PM) bluesoul|work: dexa pls
(4:27:36 PM) Dexanote: i mean im also canadian
(4:27:52 PM) coolkid: are scps a real thing
(4:28:00 PM) Bennings: No.
(4:28:01 PM) clone: nope
(4:28:02 PM) SoundChaser: no
(4:28:06 PM) Niight: I think that was already clarified.
(4:28:12 PM) Dexanote: SCP is a creative writing website
(4:28:18 PM) Dexanote: SOme of us are authors
(4:28:28 PM) jb: the others are aliens
(4:28:38 PM) Dexanote: We all write and read about the stories, the original first one being SCP-173 written in 2007 on 4chan's /x/ board
(4:29:37 PM) coolkid: what happens if scps are real
(4:33:23 PM) coolkid: so the foundtion is real and scps are fake
(4:34:09 PM) thedeadlymoose: coolkid: what are you talking about
(4:34:22 PM) Tuomey: coolkid: the Foundation is a creative writing site, in which we write about anomalous things, called SCPs
(4:34:37 PM) Dexanote: The SCPs are 'fake' in the same way Lord of the Rings is 'fake'.
(4:34:49 PM) coolkid: merana mordgorv glesgorv
(4:35:26 PM) Zyn: Hey, coolkid. You new around here?
(4:35:36 PM) Zyn: Haven't seen your nick before.
(4:36:20 PM) coolkid left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
(4:37:10 PM) scp173 [ten.tsacmoc.jn.1dsh.649B6A28-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.jn.1dsh.649B6A28-CRInys|tibbiM] entered the room.
(4:37:11 PM) Dexanote: you
(4:37:13 PM) Dexanote: o boi
(4:37:18 PM) Dexanote: IT BEGINS
(4:37:23 PM) bluesoul: scp173: hello coolkid
(4:37:26 PM) Dexanote: Yo scp173, can you change your name?
(4:37:39 PM) scp173: why
(4:37:51 PM) Dexanote: We don't allow names with SCP in them. Just chat rules. Welcome though :D
(4:37:53 PM) bluesoul: because this is not a roleplay channel and none of this crap is real
(4:38:53 PM) scp173: גחכחכיבב
(4:39:14 PM) scp173: ןכעחעלעכןנננכןיןטחקקןכןהחעי
(4:39:21 PM) Dexanote: Yiddish
(4:39:22 PM) Tuomey: scp173: you just gonna spam that?
(4:39:26 PM) clone: stop saying random hebrew characters
(4:39:29 PM) scp173 left the room (Kicked by thedeadlymoose (please stop that)).
(4:41:31 PM) coookid [~ten.tsacmoc.jn.1dsh.649B6A28-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.jn.1dsh.649B6A28-CRInys|tibbiM] entered the room.
(4:41:41 PM) coookid: hey
(4:42:24 PM) coookid: юу
(4:42:44 PM) Dexanote: coookid: may I ask you not do hebrewtext
(4:42:44 PM) coookid: юфвлеоеофцмлеьашулслещмьаоешеьпмлепопаапаоешиьелиполвд
(4:42:50 PM) Dexanote: or greek
(4:42:53 PM) coookid: ok
(4:42:54 PM) mode (+b *!* by bluesoul
(4:42:59 PM) coookid left the room (Kicked by bluesoul (Stahp.)).
I leave the length of the ban up to the higher-ups, as far as I know I'm still just deputy hopping stuff. I see very poor prospects for this guy though.
Collapse'd. —Zyn