Posting logs for Piefish. Dude acted like he was 12, said some shit, got the hammer.
Site 19 Logs:SCP is real, acts about 12, can say swear words.
[16:50] * DAn (PI.DD997A12.AFD3F5A9.6BE0BAEA|tibbiM#PI.DD997A12.AFD3F5A9.6BE0BAEA|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:50] <DAn> hi.
[16:50] <DAn> what is this website ?
[16:51] <DocThread> you new here?
[16:51] <DAn> yes
[16:51] <DocThread> well, it's my pleasure to be your host.
[16:51] <DAn> o.k
[16:51] <Roth> SCP foundation wiki
[16:51] <Roth> You new, DAn?
[16:52] <DAn> yess!1
[16:52] <Roth> Welcome!
[16:52] <DocThread> welcome the to the Foundation, here, we write fictional articles, and most likely try to out-ridiculous eachother in almost every way.
[16:52] <DAn> pls tel me about this website
[16:52] <Roth> What doc said
[16:52] * Dr_Leonard (ten.mocrie.rgm-cbd.kdd.2gga.14C16D2-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mocrie.rgm-cbd.kdd.2gga.14C16D2-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:52] * KateMcTiriss (ten.labolgcbs.lflvcj.deepsthgil.34A5A237-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.lflvcj.deepsthgil.34A5A237-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:52] <KateMcTiriss> Hi folks, I have a challenge for y'all
[16:53] <Dr_Leonard> What's that?
[16:53] <Roth> Whut
[16:53] <DAn> so its not true when i looked at that creature that snaps your neck
[16:53] <DocThread> B|
[16:53] <KateMcTiriss> Give me some cases that would be proposed to the Ethics Committee Human Resources Subcommittee
[16:53] <DocThread> dude
[16:53] <KateMcTiriss> because i'm writing a meeting right now
[16:53] <Roth> DAn. Anything written is not real.
[16:53] <DocThread> KateMcTiriss clarify?
[16:54] <DocThread> most things written here are pure tom-foolery
[16:54] * vezaz (ude.uyn.looptan.5816018D-CRInys|tibbiM#ude.uyn.looptan.5816018D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[16:54] * Roth has decided to sit in the garden but its cold0l
[16:54] <DAn> scp-173
[16:54] <%Alexandra> DAn: SCP-173 (The Sculpture - The Original, Written by Moto42, Rating:+1265) -
[16:54] <KateMcTiriss> DocThread: I'm writing a tale that's meeting minutes of an Ethic Committee meeting on human resources
[16:54] <DAn> its not true correct and that ronald reagon speech
[16:54] <KateMcTiriss> DocThread: and am soliciting ideas for potential cases and policies they'd debate
[16:55] <DocThread> is it an Ethics Committee for the Foundation?
[16:55] <DAn> ?
[16:55] <DocThread> dude…
[16:55] <DAn> yeess
[16:56] <Roth> None of it is real
[16:56] <DocThread> what are you talking about?
[16:56] <DocThread> it's all fiction.
[16:56] <DAn> ugh!
[16:56] <DocThread> I don't think we would be a love if it was real.
[16:56] <vezaz> .sea 1914
[16:56] <%Alexandra> vezaz: Silencing Piano(SCP-1914-J, Rating:63), Refurbished Infantry Personnel(SCP-1914, Rating:93), 1914(Rating:95)
[16:56] <DAn> what would somebody makeup this stuff!
[16:56] <Roth> Fun.
[16:56] <DAn> waste of time i must say
[16:56] <DocThread> especially with 682 running around?
[16:57] * DocThread is not sure if DAn is trolling
[16:57] <vezaz>
[16:57] <%Piefish> DAn
[16:57] <%Piefish> None of this is real
[16:57] <vezaz> go read that
[16:57] <KateMcTiriss> DocThread: have you never heard of the foundation ethics committee, it's been in a bunch of tales
[16:57] <%Piefish> Stop claiming it is
[16:57] <%Piefish> Cause we know it isn't
[16:57] <%Piefish> First warning
[16:57] <DocThread> KateMcTiriss I've been gone a while, I'll read up on it.
[16:57] <DAn> ok guys. what the best FAKE article you got ?
[16:58] <vezaz> I just linked it
[16:58] * %Piefish sighs
[16:58] * Roth snorts
[16:58] <%Piefish> They're all fake if you mean it in that way
[16:58] * DocThread wants to hurt you.
[16:58] <%Piefish> Unless you mean a fake fictional article
[16:58] <DAn> :s
[16:58] <%Piefish> But then that's getting complicated
[16:58] <%Piefish> woah
[16:58] <%Piefish> DocThread enough
[16:58] <DocThread> kidding bruh
[16:59] <DAn> yes enough
[16:59] <%Piefish> Still inappropriate
[16:59] <DocThread> sorry
[16:59] <DAn> i am done with this page.
[16:59] <%Piefish> And DAn don't act like an op
[16:59] <DocThread> is there, like
[16:59] <DAn> yu are boring
[16:59] <%Piefish> Then leave DAn
[16:59] <%Piefish> No one is keeping you here
[16:59] <DocThread> a singular page for the EC?
[16:59] <DAn> i thought facts are real,
[16:59] <DAn> i did nt ask u fish!
[16:59] <%Piefish> DAn how old are you?
[16:59] <%Piefish> ..
[17:00] <DAn> i am 75yr
[17:00] <DocThread> Well, just because the stuff here isn't real doesn't mean it's a waste of time. I-
[17:00] <DocThread> troll.
[17:00] <KateMcTiriss> Piefish: just kick him he's trolling
[17:00] <DAn> kate u cunt!
[17:00] * DAn was kicked by Piefish (lol nope)
[17:00] * DAn (PI.DD997A12.AFD3F5A9.6BE0BAEA|tibbiM#PI.DD997A12.AFD3F5A9.6BE0BAEA|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[17:00] <DAn> fuckr~
[17:00] <DAn> pussy
[17:00] * Piefish sets mode: +b *!*@AEAB0EB6.9A5F3DFA.21A799DD.IP
[17:00] * DAn (PI.DD997A12.AFD3F5A9.6BE0BAEA|tibbiM#PI.DD997A12.AFD3F5A9.6BE0BAEA|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
I'm logging this with Alex as a perma. Lemme know if that's incorrect.