- Thunder1028 (ten.nozirev.soif.xtslld.BFA1E25E-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.xtslld.BFA1E25E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Thunder1028> Hello
<djkaktus> Vorhees: not even remotely
<djkaktus> Like
<djkaktus> There are so many of those
<Sax> Good afternoon, Thunder1028
<Sax> Welcome to #site19
<Sax> Is this your first time with us?
<Tagliafierro> It's almost 1:00 am.
<Vorhees> Like, I get the whole docile and creepy/ eventual-based aspect to a lot of SCP's. But where are the mass murderer beings?
<clone> Every fucking day
<clone> every fucking day my neighbor plays the same song
<Tagliafierro> SCP-682
<Alexandra> Tagliafierro: SCP-682 (Hard-to-Destroy Reptile, Written by Dr Gears, Rating:+541) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-682
<clone> over and over
<djkaktus> 682
<clone> and then smokes pot
<Thunder1028> I have quisteon bout the statue
<djkaktus> Like
<clone> at this exact time
<Sax> Alright.
<Sax> Just some housekeeping questions first.
<manster> .seen tanhony
<Alexandra> manster: I've never seen tanhony
- Nioki (won.em.liaf|tnod.teef#won.em.liaf|tnod.teef) has joined
<Sax> How old are you?
<djkaktus> one of the most popular ones is exactly that
<clone> I have memorized empire state of mind by alicia keys
<Thunder1028> First who works at scp
- Jonah (PI.58C6CAEF.E60259FE.A45CB819|tibbiM#PI.58C6CAEF.E60259FE.A45CB819|tibbiM) has joined
<Tagliafierro> SCP-106
<Alexandra> Tagliafierro: SCP-106 (The Old Man, Written by Dr Gears, Rating:+456) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-106
<djkaktus> Thunder1028: nobody
<djkaktus> it's not real
<Sax> Thunder1028, please do state how old are you.
<Tagliafierro> It is pretty violent.
<Jonah> the creepy old guy?
<Vorhees> Yeah, there are like 10 out of 2000+
<Thunder1028> Why
<djkaktus> also please answer sax
<djkaktus> He's a chat op
<djkaktus> You're obligated to answer
<Vorhees> Kind of the minority.
<Tagliafierro> SCP-668
<Alexandra> Tagliafierro: SCP-668 (13" Chef's Knife, Written by DrClef, Rating:+125) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-668
<djkaktus> if you want to stay in this room
<Thunder1028> Me
<Tagliafierro> It is an immortal mass murderer.
<manster> yes you
<Thunder1028> Me
<djkaktus> Vorhees: trust me, it's been overdone
<Sax> manster, I have this.
- Adelia has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Sax> Thunder1028, yes, I asked you.
<Sax> How old are you?
<Thunder1028> Ok
- djkaktus has kicked manster from #site19 (you've been told about that)
<Eskobear> Everybody who's not—yeah
<Thunder1028> 9
- manster (PI.0E49173C.12390768.CAF72929|tibbiM#PI.0E49173C.12390768.CAF72929|tibbiM) has joined
<Sax> Unfortunately,
<manster> bye
<Sax> You must be 15 to be in here.
<Thunder1028> Sorry
<Sax> No worries.
<clone> that's a record!
<Sax> You can still read articles on the mainsite.
- chubert (sneppah.snepp|h.tahw#sneppah.snepp|h.tahw) has joined
- Devereaux has kicked manster from #site19 (We said ops have it.)
<Jonah> ouch
<Vorhees> I think am just concerned that the whole perception of "the mass murder thing is overdone" is not necessarily true for this site.
<Sax> But, unfotunately, you cannot be here for a little while!
- manster (PI.0E49173C.12390768.CAF72929|tibbiM#PI.0E49173C.12390768.CAF72929|tibbiM) has joined
<clone> stop talking about mass murder while there's a toddler in here
<Sax> clone, :/
<Jonah> what mass murder we talking bout in the first place?
<Eskobear> clone, we have this
<Tagliafierro> Toddler?
<Eskobear> there's no need to keep addressing it
<Roth> hurp
- Excraylibur has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<clone> Bad timing for a joke?
<Sax> Thunder1028, I do have to ask you to leave.
<clone> sorry
<manster> wait a minute that count as backseat modding?
<Thunder1028> One second
- Insidious_Lars (~PI.33493723.C24E19D3.DD9A8B39|sraL#PI.33493723.C24E19D3.DD9A8B39|sraL) has joined
<Eskobear> manster, it's not so much modding as one user making fun of another user for receiving disciplinary action, which is just a dickish thing to do.
- Jonah has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Eskobear> it's like laughing at the kid in class who gets yelled at by the teacher
<Devereaux> Especially right after getting a kixk.
<Devereaux> *kick
- TheRaven has quit (Quit: Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roarin' waves, together undivided but forever we'll be free!)
- Sax waits for Thunder1028 to leave
<Thunder1028> I want to find out about the 'statchu'
<Tagliafierro> Oh, Deveraux, haven't seen you in a while.
<AndarielHalo> .g izumi kato
<Alexandra> AndarielHalo: http://izumikato.com/ — IZUMI KATO - 加藤泉: "Installation view of Solo Exhibition at CAPSULE, Tokyo SOFT VINYL SCULPTURES May 24 - June 29, 2014 photo:Yusuke Sato courtesy the artist and Galerie."
<Sax> The Statue, in real life, is an artist sculpture.
<AndarielHalo> ^
<Devereaux> Hey Taglia!
<AndarielHalo> check out Izumi Kato's website
<Sax> What AndarielHalo linked.
- djkaktus has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
- Tehpillowstar has quit (Ping timeout)
<Thunder1028> Is it alive!
<Vorhees> I mean, is there one SCP that is like an old fashioned immortal killer with a mask?
<Devereaux> I haven't actually commented on the wiki in about a month.
<Sax> It is not alive.
<AndarielHalo> http://izumikato.com/Untitled-2004
<Sax> Now, then,
- djkaktus (sutkak.eht.fo.kc|tta#sutkak.eht.fo.kc|tta) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to djkaktus
- Sax has kicked Thunder1028 from #site19 (Come back in 6 years)
- Heller15 (ten.nozirev.soif.xtslld.BFA1E25E-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.xtslld.BFA1E25E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<djkaktus> if chatops are doing chatop things
<Heller15> Hi
<Tagliafierro> Do you like 2703, btw?
- [Thunder1028] (ten.nozirev.soif.xtslld.BFA1E25E-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.xtslld.BFA1E25E-CRInys|tibbiM): http://www.mibbit.com
- [Thunder1028] toronto.on.ca.synirc.net :Sun Sep 7 18:59:26 2014
- thunder1028 :End of WHOWAS
<djkaktus> Please do not interfere
<djkaktus> and please do not backseat mod
<Sax> Good afternoon, Heller15
<Sax> Welcome to #site19
<Sax> ARe you new here?
<Eskobear> He's the same guy, sax.
<Eskobear> We just kicked him.
<Devereaux> I was about to say…
<Heller15> Same who
<Sax> …
<Sax> I just noticed
<Eskobear> E52E.
- Sax has kicked Heller15 from #site19 (Sax)
- djkaktus sets ban on *!*@*
- djkaktus sets ban on *!*@synIRC-E52E1AFB.dllstx.fios.verizon.net
- weitoobusy removes ban on *!*@*
On another note, manster is finally straining my patience.