15:27 magicuu how does the scp-895 image work?
15:27 magicuu it displays the current time and everything..
15:28 clone SCP-895
15:28 Alexandra clone: SCP-895 (Camera Disruption, Written by Aelanna, Rating:+535) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-895
15:28 SoundChaser Some magic of Aelanna's
15:28 clone good question
15:28 Tuomey magicuu: it's a script thing the author set up
15:28 magicuu yeah i'm reading the javascript
15:29 Athena_Grey I dread the day the Vietnamese Translation Facebook got to that one
15:29 Athena_Grey cos the hell if they could replicate it on a Facebook platform
15:30 SoundChaser It's hosted off-site, isn't it?
15:30 * Paroxysm joined #site19
15:30 magicuu yes
15:30 SoundChaser Couldn't the photo be embedded there?
15:30 Paroxysm .seen djkaktus
15:30 Alexandra Paroxysm: djkaktus was last seen 6 hours ago saying: Take care dudes
15:30 Paroxysm dammit.
15:30 magicuu This bot is invading my privacy.
15:31 SoundChaser What?
15:31 Pixeltasim what
15:31 ProcyonLotor magicuu: What do you mean?
15:31 magicuu I was never asked if I should allow the bot to get my last message when I leave
15:31 magicuu but it does it without my permission
15:31 ProcyonLotor magicuu: IRC is public speech.
15:31 ProcyonLotor You don't have any privilege with regard to your communications here.
15:32 ProcyonLotor It may be kept and recorded, just as if you said it aloud in a public space.
15:32 magicuu that's bs
15:32 * Flamel joined #site19
15:32 Tuomey magicuu: if you don't like it, feel free to leave
15:32 ProcyonLotor Bot stays.
15:32 Flamel ey
15:32 ProcyonLotor You can leave, if it's an issue.
15:32 Pixeltasim magicuu: If you write something online, there is nothing stopping anyone from recording it, it's your decision to say something
15:32 SoundChaser Hey Flamel
15:32 magicuu I never said that the bot is supposed to leave.
15:32 Ireul Hey Flamel. Haven't seen you here for some time
15:32 magicuu I'm saying that it should have an automatic ask system
15:32 Tuomey Plenty of people's irc clients log conversations in the channels they're in anyway
15:32 Flamel Yeah
15:32 Tuomey magicuu: aaaaand we're saying no
15:33 magicuu lol
15:33 ProcyonLotor Like I said
15:33 Flamel I was just busy
15:33 ProcyonLotor This is not privileged speech.
15:33 Pixeltasim As the writer of the bot, magicuu, nope, deal with the consequences of your decisions
15:33 Flamel But now Im back n stuff
15:33 magicuu i'll just make an automatic ask system myself, then.
15:33 ProcyonLotor magicuu: feel free to. We won't use it.
15:33 darth_static well i'm off. later all
15:33 magicuu good
15:33 * darth_static quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it )
15:33 magicuu are bots allowed here?
15:33 ProcyonLotor Nope!
15:34 magicuu okay.
15:34 ProcyonLotor Just the house one.
15:34 magicuu http://codepad.org/fmdj2iXR
15:34 Athena_Grey we do have a couple of lines about this in the Chat Guide, don't we?
15:34 magicuu how about that?
15:34 magicuu a little dungeon crawler?
15:34 Athena_Grey !chat-guide
15:34 Alexandra Athena_Grey: SCP Chat Guide - http://www.scp-wiki.net/chat-guide
15:34 Tuomey This is a public room, there's no reasonable expectation of privacy here
15:34 * Dr_Leonard joined #site19
15:35 ProcyonLotor magicuu: Let me make this clear. You bring a bot in, you're kicked at the very least.
15:35 magicuu there are also public bathrooms, people don't watch you pee, do they?
15:35 Athena_Grey "Do not bring any of your own bots into this chat without permission. If you want to bring in a bot, ask permission from chat operators first. Make sure the Chat Owner approves. Presently the only chatbot approved to be in #Site19 alongside Alexandra is Lumberjack, a bot that logs conversation. Former chatbots included: Magic-8_Ball, Grapewhistle, Hatbot,
15:35 * Shrek joined #site19
15:35 Athena_Grey and Nala (RIP)."
15:35 ProcyonLotor magicuu: excretion is not speech. false equivalence.
15:35 magicuu rofl
15:35 clone A minute of silence for all the past bots
15:35 Tuomey magicuu: how old are you
15:35 ProcyonLotor May a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest, Grape.
15:36 magicuu 26
15:36 clone I like how that question came right after they said "rofl"
15:36 Tuomey magicuu: Try and act it
15:36 magicuu oh, but i do.
15:36 ProcyonLotor Try harder.
15:36 magicuu i did
15:36 magicuu did you?
15:36 SoundChaser Athena_Grey, would this help? http://scpfoundation.org/895/feed.html
15:37 Tuomey No one's going to get your banking information from seeing that the last thing you said is "I like 173" or whatever
15:37 Dr_Leonard Hola, 19
15:37 clone Hella
15:37 magicuu you're right
15:37 magicuu but why would i want someone doing .seen magicuu
15:37 SoundChaser Hey Doc
15:37 Dr_Leonard Hey Clone. SoundChaser. Tuomey.
15:37 Dr_Leonard And others.
15:37 Dr_Leonard How are you?
15:37 Tuomey magicuu: to be honest
15:37 ProcyonLotor magicuu: doesn't matter if you want it. Once again, you get no choice.
15:37 ProcyonLotor but since nobody really knows you, why the hell would they?
15:37 Tuomey I don't know why anyone would want to do .seen magicuu anyway
15:37 magicuu you have a point
15:38 magicuu what i believe is
15:38 Dr_Leonard And even if they did, I don't know why you'd have a problem with it
15:38 magicuu the person who made the bot is too obese to hit the backspace button on the ".seen" command
15:38 Athena_Grey magicuu because, for example, I'm head of Team Alexylva and the next time I want to check if my teammates are around for a discussion about the next piece in the series
15:38 * magicuu was kicked by ProcyonLotor (And one for being a prick.)
15:38 clone I suggest you stop because right now we probably like the bot more than we do you
15:38 SoundChaser …
15:38 * magicuu joined #site19
15:38 clone aw
15:38 magicuu that was uncalled for
15:38 Athena_Grey I'd love to know if they were last here a few days ago
15:38 Tuomey magicuu: stop ranting about the bot
15:38 Flamel I'm here.
15:39 Tuomey Consider that an op order
15:39 clone magicuu: I suggest you stop because right now we probably like the bot more than we do you
15:39 Athena_Grey and not have just dropped off the face of the earth since last month
15:39 Dr_Leonard Clone: That's kind of harsh.
15:39 ProcyonLotor magicuu: personal insults against a person in the channel who has contributed more to here than you have is definitely a kickable offense.
15:39 magicuu all i said that he's obese
15:39 Tuomey If you have any further complaints, address them to another chat operator, or to the chat owner
15:39 magicuu i never insulted anyone.
15:39 Flamel I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
15:39 Paroxysm Dr_Leonard: it's not a lie
15:39 * Gaffsey quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
15:39 * magicuu was kicked by Tuomey (I told you to stop)
15:39 Dr_Leonard Jesus Christ
15:39 * magicuu joined #site19
15:39 Dr_Leonard Sorry, I just walked into that
15:39 SoundChaser …
15:39 Paroxysm here we go.
15:39 Flamel Thick people ahoy
15:39 clone yeeaaahh
15:39 magicuu i can't say the o word?
15:39 Dr_Leonard Honestly
15:39 Tuomey magicuu: I told you to stop ranting about the bot
15:39 ProcyonLotor You can't be a prick, or violate op orders.
15:39 magicuu and I did.
15:40 SoundChaser So how about SCPs, eh?
15:40 Tuomey This includes ranting about the person who built it
15:40 * Riemann joined #site19
15:40 + ChanServ has given op to Riemann
15:40 Paroxysm :^)
15:40 Dr_Leonard Magicuu: You wouldn't like it if someone criticized your physical appearance, why do it to others?
15:40 Tuomey Dr_Leonard: ops have it
15:40 magicuu I never judged anyones appearance.
15:40 * Excraylibur quit (Connection reset by peer)
15:40 Dr_Leonard Tuomey: Apologies.
15:40 mibbit set: No such nickname online.
15:40 Riemann I have nothing :|
15:40 mibbit set: No such nickname online.
15:40 + Tuomey set the channel to mode +m
15:40 Tuomey Ok
15:41 Tuomey We're going to stop talking about the bot or the person who built it or how the rules are unfair now
15:41 Tuomey This includes tlaking about people who were previously talking about these things
15:41 * Excraylibur joined #site19
15:41 Tuomey anyone who violates this order is getting a 24 hour ban
15:41 + Tuomey set the channel to mode -m
15:42 Excraylibur Can I asked to get PM'd on what happened
15:42 Excraylibur ask
15:42 SoundChaser Erm, guys, does anyone remember the number of the SCP with the tentacle in the old shipwreck?
15:42 Tuomey Excraylibur: not a lot, really
15:42 magicuu not a lot indeed
15:42 magicuu tuomey raged at me
15:42 magicuu we had some fun
15:42 magicuu yeah
15:42 Tuomey and that's 24 hours
15:42 - Tuomey has banned *!*@synIRC-C71AFDB5.xnet.hr
15:42 * magicuu was kicked by Tuomey (Tuomey)
EDIT: Unbanned