- scp-1 (PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM) has joined
<Sax|Class> scp-1
<Sax|Class> Change your name.
<scp-1> yes
<Roth> Im the most social apparently
<Sax|Class> You have 30 seconds to do so.
<Arafafara> You're the facebook admin
<scp-1> sorry i mean this as a help name
<Arafafara> This is what you have to live with
<UniversalLeo> oh damn
<Roth> Lolol
<UniversalLeo> No SCP's in here! For shame!
<PixelWarrior> scp-1: type /nick newnamehere and it will change your nick
<scp-1> you see i am wriing, or typing a scp story but im stuck round the middle
<scp-1> thatswhy i am here
<Sax|Class> No worries.
- Arafafara is now known as arafafara
<Sax|Class> First of all, how old are you?
<arafafara> Um
<UniversalLeo> Type /nick Leo2
<arafafara> I just got kicked
<arafafara> Is that normal? XD
<arafafara> Or…
<scp-1> -,-
<Sax|Class> No faces.
- arafafara is now known as Arafafara
<Sax|Class> How old are you?
<Arafafara> Oh!
<SoundChaser> I didn't see anything, arafafara?
<scp-1> im going to try something else
<Arafafara> When i wrote /nick it looked like i just joined the chatroom. That's what happened.
<UniversalLeo> scp-1, p- and they left.
<SoundChaser> Ah, right
- Bryx (I.am.@bout.five.seconds.away.from.shooting.this.thing) has joined
<Arafafara> Like. Can I send links of a screenshot of what I get?
<Excraylibur> Wonder Woman. https://i.imgur.com/FscAqWE.jpg
<SoundChaser> I'm sorry?
<Arafafara> Oh its because I have chat guide open
- manster (PI.0E49173C.12390768.CAF72929|tibbiM#PI.0E49173C.12390768.CAF72929|tibbiM) has joined
<Arafafara> Just in case.
<Arafafara> It just rejoins me when I try to change my name.
- manster has quit (Quit: manster)
<Arafafara> Oh my.
<UniversalLeo> stop breaking stuff Arafafara, God.
<Arafafara> I
<Arafafara> Rath o3o I had antoher question xD
<Arafafara> Roth*
<Roth> Hm
<Arafafara> To the facebook thing
<Arafafara> Q+A
<UniversalLeo> Used to know someone on Steam who called themselves Roth. Assuming Different ppl though
<Roth> Ah. Hm.
- youtubewatcher (PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM) has joined
- Paroxysm (PI.21454E1E.42E854BB.F0AA9309|tibbiM#PI.21454E1E.42E854BB.F0AA9309|tibbiM) has joined
<Arafafara> I bet
<Roth> UniversalLeo: maybe. What was the pic?
<Arafafara> I think I know what the answer might be if he or you takes it in XD
<Paroxysm> And I'm back
<Sax|Class> Alright.
<Sax|Class> youtubewatcher
<UniversalLeo> Some Anime Pic.
<Sax|Class> How old are you?
<Roth> Yuh not me
- tahugamin pelts Paroxysm with mouldy limes
<Arafafara> As in
<Paroxysm> Tahu. <3
<Arafafara> If you give it to them and he actually answers.
<Paroxysm> All limes are beautiful.
<UniversalLeo> yeah I assumed. This Roth was loud in games and didnt shut up.
<Paroxysm> I take that as a compliment.
<Roth> LOL
<youtubewatcher> ok for the last time we are not telling you our name so stfu and be gay some where else
- tahugamin pelts Paroxysm with mouldy lemons instead
<SoundChaser> …
<Roth> ….
- Sax|Class has kicked youtubewatcher from #site19 (Then you are not allowed in here.)
<Paroxysm> Byye.
<Roth> :D
<tahugamin> Well, that was quick :D
<Bryx> I could tell he watched youtube
<SoundChaser> …why did they say "name"?
<Smapti> Man, it's like the trolls don't even try anymore.
<Roth> Clean up on 5
<UniversalLeo> Is that that group of children who keep getting on here.
<Paroxysm> They're a troll
<Paroxysm> Yes, UniversalLeo
- saxisgay (PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM) has joined
<UniversalLeo> Ugh.
<saxisgay> xD
<tahugamin> Pffft
<SoundChaser> haha
- Sax|Class has kicked saxisgay from #site19 (Try harder.)
<Smapti> In other news, my cat jumped into one of my dresser drawers that was ajar, and his weight caused the drawer to slide shut.
<UniversalLeo> XD
<Arafafara> OMG XD
<UniversalLeo> THey appear "salty"
<Smapti> And now he's trapped inside and is rumbling around in there.
<DrGreyson> What have i just missed—
<TheRaven> Cats are truly majestic animals.
<tahugamin> Roth: What's your steam? If it's okay to /axe/ that question :V
<SoundChaser> Smapti: that sounds adorable
- mermaidman666 (PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM) has joined
<Arafafara> By the way
<ProcyonLotor> "/nick saxissupergay :3
<Arafafara> Meant to ask
<Bryx> I can tell that you watch youtube.
<Smapti> …Do you think I should let him out?
<tahugamin> DrGreyson: The mos- Oh nvm you didn't miss them
<Roth> Tahugamin DrRoth or bla_roth
<Sax|Class> kick mermaidman666 Keep trying.
<Sax|Class> …
<ProcyonLotor> Damn it Sax
- Sax|Class has kicked mermaidman666 from #site19 (Keep trying again.)
<UniversalLeo> ..
<Arafafara> Whats with the thing with the /axe/ thing? Why is it even a thing?
<Arafafara> Just write
<Arafafara> Keep Trying Son!
<TheRaven> Sax just ban him
<Arafafara> Cheer him on!~
<Roth> No
<Smapti> Here's a picture from the other day of my cat being cute; https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3902/15119367422_f05c301d42_b.jpg
<UniversalLeo> Always fun.
<SoundChaser> Awww
<tahugamin> Arafafara: There's a character in Tomb Raider, the reboot thing, and they're killed by an axe to the back. Their name is Roth.
- FACKHERIGHTINDAPUSSY (PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM) has joined
<Smapti> The windowsill is too skinny for him to climb up on, so when he wants to look outside he props himself up like that.
- PixelWarrior has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<Arafafara> Ohhhhhhhh
<UniversalLeo> My God that name
<Roth> Oh
<Sax|Class> .updatebans
<UniversalLeo> Hmmm
<Bryx> okay, you should prolly ban him now
<Roth> So thats how he died?
<Roth> Ban plz
<Paroxysm> Alrighty yo.
<UniversalLeo> Yeah, the ban hammer is deserved now
<tahugamin> Roth: Well, they also had a helicopter fall on them
<Paroxysm> Sax|Class:
<Paroxysm> ProcyonLotor:
<tahugamin> But it was mostly the axe.
<Roth> ….
- Sax|Class has kicked FACKHERIGHTINDAPUSSY from #site19 (Sax|Class)
<Paroxysm> Ty
<tahugamin> Kicked with /class/
<Roth> ;-;
<Arafafara> I constantly
<Arafafara> Want to say Rath
<ProcyonLotor> It was Sax's collar
<Arafafara> Because my friends name is Rath
<Arafafara> XD
<Sax|Class> I am not using my native client.
- sax|class1 (PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM) has joined
- Alexandra has kicked sax|class1 from #site19 (Your nick/ip matches one in Alexandra's Database, Reason for ban: Refusal to state age, disobeying operators. If you wish to appeal please join channel #site17 )
- Alexandra sets ban on *!PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM#PI.9D36E24D.9EE95647.F20D8D64|tibbiM
<Alexandra> OP Alert: Autokicking sax|class1. They are youtubewatcher