Security Breach


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[2009-06-30 19:04:38] <Ryim> Is dis stuff reals?
[2009-06-30 19:04:48] <Marathon> Heyo Ryim
[2009-06-30 19:04:55] <Skali> Who are you and how did you get into this secure chatroom
[2009-06-30 19:04:59] <Ryim> Heyo, marathon?
[2009-06-30 19:05:10] <Sorts> It's all real and now you will be exposed to the memetic kill agent.
[2009-06-30 19:05:13] <Skali> Someone inform Electronic security, run a trace
[2009-06-30 19:05:15] <Marathon> Marathon. That's a capital M
[2009-06-30 19:05:24] <Marathon> I'm on it, Skali
[2009-06-30 19:05:26] <Skali> I'm getting tired of these breaches
[2009-06-30 19:05:30] <Ryim> Fine.
[2009-06-30 19:05:38] <Ryim> Marathon*.
[2009-06-30 19:06:08] <Skali> somebody's getting left alone with 173 for this lax security
[2009-06-30 19:06:22] <Dr_Gibbons> No colors, geez
[2009-06-30 19:06:23] <Ryim> Lax security..?
[2009-06-30 19:06:23] <Gerald> Heh.
[2009-06-30 19:06:27] <Ryim> =(
[2009-06-30 19:06:38] <Cates> i wasnt sure if he was colored or if it was my eyes
[2009-06-30 19:06:45] <Clef> It happens, Skali. We don't need to tolerate it, however.
[2009-06-30 19:06:51] <Marathon> Skali, you really have to be more reasonable with your punishments
[2009-06-30 19:07:10] <Ryim> Epic darkblue for maximum mind confusion..
[2009-06-30 19:07:19] <Sorts> No.
[2009-06-30 19:07:29] <Sorts> Darkblue is not confusing.
[2009-06-30 19:07:35] <Skali> well all it takes is one breach to leak to the press and we have to start wasting amnisiac left and right
[2009-06-30 19:07:36] <Ryim> b-but..
[2009-06-30 19:07:46] <Ryim> It .. watever.
[2009-06-30 19:07:54] <Clef> don't worry, Skali, if all else fails, we'll just deny everything.
[2009-06-30 19:07:59] <Ryim> What the hell is this breach about?
[2009-06-30 19:08:00] <Clef> besides, who are they going to complain to?
[2009-06-30 19:08:06] <Skali> true
[2009-06-30 19:08:26] <Skali> How did you find out about this chatroom, Ryim?
[2009-06-30 19:08:31] <Skali> who is your source
[2009-06-30 19:08:49] <Ryim> Herm.
[2009-06-30 19:08:51] <Ryim> Not who.
[2009-06-30 19:09:00] <NekoChris2> Why did you say Herm
[2009-06-30 19:09:06] <lentilstew> Who's being terminated at the first of the month?
[2009-06-30 19:09:11] <Marathon> We need a name, Ryim
[2009-06-30 19:09:14] <Cates> t
[2009-06-30 19:09:17] <Cates> >_<
[2009-06-30 19:09:19] <lentilstew> Because that's gonna be a quick one.
[2009-06-30 19:09:20] <NekoChris2> t
[2009-06-30 19:09:22] <Ryim> Though it was two days ago, I fail to remember the reason why I came here.. 'herm' is my term for 'hum'.
[2009-06-30 19:09:27] <NekoChris2> t pants hello
[2009-06-30 19:09:32] <Ryim> Damn
[2009-06-30 19:09:35] <Dr-Machina> Hurm.
[2009-06-30 19:09:36] <Gerald> Hello Aura.
[2009-06-30 19:09:43] <Dr_Gibbons> What are we talking about, exactly?
[2009-06-30 19:09:44] <Wilkes> I blame 055
[2009-06-30 19:09:50] <Ryim> Lemme check my history >_<
[2009-06-30 19:09:54] <Dr-Machina> Herms are disturbing.
[2009-06-30 19:09:57] <Clef> Ryim, I have one question for you
[2009-06-30 19:10:01] <Clef> Are you from TVTropes?
[2009-06-30 19:10:02] <Ryim> Ah
[2009-06-30 19:10:08] <Ryim> No.
[2009-06-30 19:10:17] <Marathon> Thank god
[2009-06-30 19:10:21] <Ryim> And I think a thread on Facepunch led me to this.
[2009-06-30 19:10:36] <Dr_Gibbons> FACEPUNCH
[2009-06-30 19:10:36] <Dr_Gibbons> HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG
[2009-06-30 19:10:39] <Clef> please link us the thread
[2009-06-30 19:10:41] <Gerald> Ton a people in recently from TVTropes.
[2009-06-30 19:10:44] <Clef> we may need to do a security operation
[2009-06-30 19:10:44] <Ryim> Should I.. Aight.
[2009-06-30 19:10:51] <Marathon> Please doctor, act professional
[2009-06-30 19:10:51] <NekoChris2> SPYCHECK
[2009-06-30 19:10:52] <Dr_Gibbons> yeah, link us to the thread.
[2009-06-30 19:11:09] |<— Ryim has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2009-06-30 19:11:16] <Cates> we gonna have to go MIB on some people?
[2009-06-30 19:11:21] <Clef> lol
[2009-06-30 19:11:25] <Marathon> Heh
[2009-06-30 19:11:31] <NekoChris2> Men in Catsuits
[2009-06-30 19:11:36] —>| Ryim (ten.knilneddus.hd.rl.rapsbh.10atmcpsbh.2DD4590A-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.knilneddus.hd.rl.rapsbh.10atmcpsbh.2DD4590A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[2009-06-30 19:11:40] <Ryim> Gragh
[2009-06-30 19:11:40] <Clef> Ryim
[2009-06-30 19:11:48] <Clef> good of you to rejoin us
[2009-06-30 19:11:54] <Ryim> I had a browsing problem.
[2009-06-30 19:12:01] <Clef> now if you will give us the names of the traitors ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H people who linked you to us?
[2009-06-30 19:12:04] <Cates> hes a spy! send him to 682!
[2009-06-30 19:12:10] * NekoChris2 slaps Cates.
[2009-06-30 19:12:15] <NekoChris2> Get ahold of yourself!
[2009-06-30 19:12:20] * Cates crys
[2009-06-30 19:12:22] <Cates> ;_;
[2009-06-30 19:12:39] <Ryim> No, wait.
[2009-06-30 19:12:45] <Gerald> ….
[2009-06-30 19:12:45] —>| C (||tibbiM) has joined #site19
[2009-06-30 19:12:48] —>| Dr_Theon (||tibbiM) has joined #site19
[2009-06-30 19:12:51] <C> hey everybody
[2009-06-30 19:13:02] <NekoChris2> C is not a name it is a letter
[2009-06-30 19:13:08] <Ryim> That facepunch topic was a link to 4chan.. which i despice as of now.
[2009-06-30 19:13:12] <Cates> how do you pronounce your name c?
[2009-06-30 19:13:16] <C> it is the designation I choose
[2009-06-30 19:13:21] <C> "See"
[2009-06-30 19:13:21] <Dr_Gibbons> Wait, what
[2009-06-30 19:13:21] <Ryim> Gawddamn.
[2009-06-30 19:13:23] <Clef> …
[2009-06-30 19:13:24] <Dr_Gibbons> A facepunch topic linking 4chan?
[2009-06-30 19:13:27] <Dr_Gibbons> Seriously, what the fuck
[2009-06-30 19:13:29] <Ryim> somewhat
[2009-06-30 19:13:31] <Ryim> But
[2009-06-30 19:13:33] <Clef> please provide us the link to the facepunch topic, ryim
[2009-06-30 19:13:36] <Cates> oh dear
[2009-06-30 19:13:43] <Marathon> We
[2009-06-30 19:13:48] <Marathon> *We're going to have a problem
[2009-06-30 19:13:51] <Dr_Theon> Facepunch?
[2009-06-30 19:13:52] <Ryim> The browsing of facepunch that day was immense.
[2009-06-30 19:14:06] <Wilkes> Hrm, I wonder if 015 is part of the whole 882/217/271/229 god machine thing
[2009-06-30 19:14:12] <Dr_Gibbons> Facepunch is dying recently
[2009-06-30 19:14:16] <C> wait… facepunch? is that like facepalm?
[2009-06-30 19:14:19] <Dr_Theon> Very slowly.
[2009-06-30 19:14:21] <Marathon> Ryim, are you browsing for Arizona?
[2009-06-30 19:14:23] <Marathon> *from
[2009-06-30 19:14:25] <Dr_Theon> Facepunch: forum for Garry's Mod.
[2009-06-30 19:14:32] <C> ah
[2009-06-30 19:14:48] <Ryim> suprisingly i don't use garry's mod or have HL2 on my pc
[2009-06-30 19:14:50] <Dr_Theon> Alternatively, the forum where a bunch of arogant British men ban randomly.
[2009-06-30 19:14:50] <Clef> Marathon, I think that Agent HK-7772 is in the Flagstaff area. We can have him come by and pick Ryim up.
[2009-06-30 19:14:52] <C> I lack a computer that can play Half-Life 2 and thus lack Garry's mod
[2009-06-30 19:14:57] <Gerald> Excellent.
[2009-06-30 19:14:59] <Ryim> Clef.
[2009-06-30 19:15:06] <Ryim> Pick me up?
[2009-06-30 19:15:08] <NekoChris2> >:3
[2009-06-30 19:15:13] <Clef> and bring you in for questioning.
[2009-06-30 19:15:17] <Clef> we need to know how you got here.
[2009-06-30 19:15:18] <Ryim> ..
[2009-06-30 19:15:19] <Ryim> <_<
[2009-06-30 19:15:20] <Marathon> You may or may not be taken in for an interrogation
[2009-06-30 19:15:21] <Dr_Theon> *questioning*
[2009-06-30 19:15:30] <Clef> While you wait for our agent to come by, please read this:
[2009-06-30 19:15:31] <Cates> They can be very persuasive.
[2009-06-30 19:15:32] <Skali> Don't run, 7772 isn't a nice person
[2009-06-30 19:15:35] <lentilstew> This is important, Ryim…
[2009-06-30 19:15:39] <lentilstew> Do you have any fillings?
[2009-06-30 19:15:40] <Gerald> And considering the possible use of amnesiacs.
[2009-06-30 19:15:41] <Skali> it's not good to make him chase
[2009-06-30 19:15:42] <Ryim> My way of getting here was through a facepunch forom.
[2009-06-30 19:15:48] <lentilstew> We may need to confiscate them.
[2009-06-30 19:15:51] <Ryim> Mind you people.
[2009-06-30 19:15:53] <Ryim> I'm 14.
[2009-06-30 19:15:56] <NekoChris2> Facepunch foam
[2009-06-30 19:15:59] <Skali> not an issue
[2009-06-30 19:16:01] <NekoChris2> Are you 14 and a girl?
[2009-06-30 19:16:03] <Clef> Ryim: excellent, we can make you disappear faster
[2009-06-30 19:16:08] <Skali> that'll make it easier for 7772 to catch you
[2009-06-30 19:16:13] <Dr_Theon> 14 year olds, fit in smaller places.
[2009-06-30 19:16:14] <Ryim> Fuck
[2009-06-30 19:16:16] <Skali> he's a stickler for efficiency
[2009-06-30 19:16:19] <Ryim> I hate..
[2009-06-30 19:16:23] <Skali> gotta keep his numbers up
[2009-06-30 19:16:34] <Ryim> Are you serious about bringing me in for questioning?
[2009-06-30 19:16:41] <Ryim> I'm shaking guys
[2009-06-30 19:16:45] <Skali> It shouldn't take long, don't worry
[2009-06-30 19:16:46] <Clef> Ryim: Absolutely.
[2009-06-30 19:16:47] <Ryim> Oh my god
[2009-06-30 19:16:49] <Skali> as long as your answers check out
[2009-06-30 19:16:51] <Gerald> Of course.
[2009-06-30 19:16:51] <Wilkes> Girls who have *The Spark* often just disappear…
[2009-06-30 19:16:52] <Dr_Theon> It's only a 27 hour process.
[2009-06-30 19:16:54] <Skali> you should be done in a few hours
[2009-06-30 19:16:55] <Clef> We are, after all, a massive worldwide conspiracy that controls the world.
[2009-06-30 19:16:57] <Ryim> Are you going to.. use ..
[2009-06-30 19:17:00] <Ryim> True
[2009-06-30 19:17:00] <Skali> that sound right, Clef?
[2009-06-30 19:17:02] <Clef> not a bunch of fiction writers on a wiki.
[2009-06-30 19:17:04] <Ryim> Yet I ..
[2009-06-30 19:17:07] <Skali> few hours if the answers check out right
[2009-06-30 19:17:12] <Ryim> Guys.
[2009-06-30 19:17:25] <Dr_Theon> Really, it was always 27+ hours for me.
[2009-06-30 19:17:27] <Dr_Gibbons> I'd like to think "shady organization" rather than "worldwide conspiracy"
[2009-06-30 19:17:30] <Dr_Gibbons> After all we're not conspiring against anything.
[2009-06-30 19:17:31] <Ryim> The only browsing I have done through this site, I have not released -any- information
[2009-06-30 19:17:38] <Ryim> I'm extremely scared right now./
[2009-06-30 19:17:39] <Skali> well you gave insufficient justification
[2009-06-30 19:17:41] <Dr_Theon> That's what they all say.
[2009-06-30 19:17:43] <Sorts> We're conspiring against public knowledge of the horrible.
[2009-06-30 19:17:49] <Clef> Ryim, do this.
[2009-06-30 19:17:54] <Skali> you're sure you haven't told ANYONE anything you've read?
[2009-06-30 19:17:57] <Ryim> hm?
[2009-06-30 19:18:00] <Skali> friends, family
[2009-06-30 19:18:01] <Clef> Seriously
[2009-06-30 19:18:03] <Ryim> I have not.
[2009-06-30 19:18:06] <Clef> you have not told ANYONE about this site?
[2009-06-30 19:18:08] <Clef> …
[2009-06-30 19:18:12] <Ryim> Not anyone.
[2009-06-30 19:18:12] <Gerald> Hm.
[2009-06-30 19:18:14] * Skali sighs
[2009-06-30 19:18:14] <Dr_Theon> Are you positve about that?
[2009-06-30 19:18:15] <Clef> I'm afraid that's unacceptable.
[2009-06-30 19:18:18] <Ryim> I've only been on here for two days.
[2009-06-30 19:18:19] <Skali> I don't believe that
[2009-06-30 19:18:22] <Marathon> You have to written nor have you spoken any information of the site?
[2009-06-30 19:18:26] <Marathon> *not written
[2009-06-30 19:18:27] <Ryim> No.
[2009-06-30 19:18:31] <Cates> can't trust an outsider
[2009-06-30 19:18:36] <Skali> does 7772 have clearanec for sodium pentathol?
[2009-06-30 19:18:46] <Clef> Skali, 7772 has clearance for everything.
[2009-06-30 19:18:47] <Ryim> I'm genuinly scared..
[2009-06-30 19:18:47] <Gerald> Yes.
[2009-06-30 19:18:47] <Skali> I want to be confident in the answers he gets out of the kid
[2009-06-30 19:18:48] <Cates> I say bring em in just to be safe, I mean we have done worse
[2009-06-30 19:18:51] <Ryim> Realy.
[2009-06-30 19:18:55] <Skali> good
[2009-06-30 19:19:03] <Ryim> If I fail to tell you where I have found this site, what will you do?
[2009-06-30 19:19:05] <Skali> that'll make me feel a lot better about this when it's all done
[2009-06-30 19:19:09] <Clef> Ryim, I have a quick question.
[2009-06-30 19:19:12] <Ryim> Yes
[2009-06-30 19:19:12] <Skali> You really don't want to do that, Ryim
[2009-06-30 19:19:22] <Dr_Theon> ^ This.
[2009-06-30 19:19:29] <Clef> Have you ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell?
[2009-06-30 19:19:36] <Ryim> No, sir.
[2009-06-30 19:19:38] <Clef> Do you know of the phrase… Room 101?
[2009-06-30 19:19:42] <Ryim> No, sir.
[2009-06-30 19:19:47] <Dr_Theon> Unacceptable.
[2009-06-30 19:19:53] <Ryim> Huh?
[2009-06-30 19:19:54] <Clef> Room 101 is home of the worst thing in the world.
[2009-06-30 19:20:01] <Clef> There is something that all humans fear above all else
[2009-06-30 19:20:03] <Dr_Theon> Always.
[2009-06-30 19:20:03] <Clef> for some it's rats
[2009-06-30 19:20:05] <Clef> for others, slugs.
[2009-06-30 19:20:13] <Clef> for others… watching harm come to your friends and family
[2009-06-30 19:20:17] <Clef> either way it is in room 101.
[2009-06-30 19:20:19] <Ryim> Guys
[2009-06-30 19:20:22] <Ryim> Will I die?
[2009-06-30 19:20:27] <Clef> oh of course not.
[2009-06-30 19:20:28] <Dr_Theon> No, it's worse than that.
[2009-06-30 19:20:29] <Sorts> If you are lucky
[2009-06-30 19:20:30] <Clef> why would you die?
[2009-06-30 19:20:31] <Ryim> I -really- do -not- want..
[2009-06-30 19:20:37] <Clef> Theon, Sorts, silence
[2009-06-30 19:20:41] <Marathon> If you cooperate, it isn't likely
[2009-06-30 19:20:44] * Sorts zips it.
[2009-06-30 19:20:49] <Ryim> Because if I fail to give you guys the site that i found this on.
[2009-06-30 19:20:51] <Dr_Gibbons> Silence, all.
[2009-06-30 19:20:52] <Ryim> I really do not
[2009-06-30 19:20:52] <Clef> I have only one more question to ask of you.
[2009-06-30 19:20:53] <Dr_Gibbons> This is actually amusing.
[2009-06-30 19:20:56] <Dr_Theon> stays quite.
[2009-06-30 19:20:57] <Ryim> oh my god..
[2009-06-30 19:21:03] <Skali> this is an important one
[2009-06-30 19:21:03] <Clef> … did you ever click the "discuss" button on the bottom of any of the SCP articles?
[2009-06-30 19:21:12] <Ryim> No
[2009-06-30 19:21:17] <Skali> shit
[2009-06-30 19:21:19] <Clef> … go do that right now
[2009-06-30 19:21:19] <Dr_Gibbons> Fair enough.
[2009-06-30 19:21:20] <Ryim> no sir, clef
[2009-06-30 19:21:22] <Clef> if you do.
[2009-06-30 19:21:22] <Dr_Theon> *bang*
[2009-06-30 19:21:26] <Sorts> Actually, the discuss button doesn't seem to show up unless you log in to the wiki
[2009-06-30 19:21:28] <Ryim> AAAA..
[2009-06-30 19:21:29] <Clef> I might call off Agent 7772
[2009-06-30 19:21:34] <Ryim> GUYs
[2009-06-30 19:21:38] <Ryim> please clef
[2009-06-30 19:21:40] <Ryim> i ..
[2009-06-30 19:21:46] <Ryim> do not want to die or anything
[2009-06-30 19:21:47] <Ryim> i'm just a kid
[2009-06-30 19:21:56] <Skali> well you should have thought about that before you hacked into a secure network
[2009-06-30 19:21:59] <Dr_Theon> Then follow Clef's instructions.
[2009-06-30 19:22:04] <Ryim> I never hacked skali
[2009-06-30 19:22:17] <Skali> they put you on trial as an adult for that sort of thing
[2009-06-30 19:22:19] <Dr_Theon> Before proper procedures are called for.
[2009-06-30 19:22:29] <Ryim> Clef clef
[2009-06-30 19:22:30] <Skali> we got the Patriot Act passed so we could crack down on people like you
[2009-06-30 19:22:30] <Ryim> tell me
[2009-06-30 19:22:31] <Clef> Ryim, all I have to say is THIS IS not A JOKE
[2009-06-30 19:22:34] <Ryim> will I die?
[2009-06-30 19:22:37] <Ryim> I know this
[2009-06-30 19:22:44] <Ryim> will i die clef?
[2009-06-30 19:22:44] <Skali> It depends
[2009-06-30 19:22:48] <Skali> they don't always die
[2009-06-30 19:22:48] <Gerald> We suggest you hurry, before you run out of tiem. The HKs are usually restless about this sort of thing.
[2009-06-30 19:22:49] <Ryim> fl;fja
[2009-06-30 19:22:50] <Clef> Ryim.
[2009-06-30 19:22:52] <Gerald> *timne
[2009-06-30 19:22:55] <Skali> What's 7772's survival rate?
[2009-06-30 19:22:58] <Ryim> yeh clef?
[2009-06-30 19:23:02] <Skali> I'll look it up
[2009-06-30 19:23:03] <Clef> do this
[2009-06-30 19:23:05] <Clef> is there any butter in the house?
[2009-06-30 19:23:06] <Ryim> do what
[2009-06-30 19:23:08] <Skali> 18%
[2009-06-30 19:23:09] <Ryim> yes
[2009-06-30 19:23:10] <lentilstew> If you could call it that, Skali.
[2009-06-30 19:23:12] <Clef> okay
[2009-06-30 19:23:20] <Marathon> THIS IS not something that An agent would JOKE about, RYIM.
[2009-06-30 19:23:20] <Skali> 18% of people questioned survive the process
[2009-06-30 19:23:20] <Clef> go get a pat of butter and put it on your tongue
[2009-06-30 19:23:23] <Skali> you've got a fair chance
[2009-06-30 19:23:25] <Clef> let it dissolve all the way
[2009-06-30 19:23:29] <Ryim> okay
[2009-06-30 19:23:36] <Ryim> what will it do?
[2009-06-30 19:23:39] <Sorts> Be delicious
[2009-06-30 19:23:43] <Sorts> Unless you have substandard butter
[2009-06-30 19:23:44] <Clef> yup :)
[2009-06-30 19:23:45] <Marathon> Sorts.
[2009-06-30 19:23:45] <Clef> also
[2009-06-30 19:23:47] <Clef> do this
[2009-06-30 19:23:49] <Clef> get some bread
[2009-06-30 19:23:51] <Clef> and make some toast
[2009-06-30 19:23:54] <Dr_Theon> Skali, I thought that went down to 16% after the last hacker.
[2009-06-30 19:23:55] <Clef> and put some butter on it
[2009-06-30 19:23:57] <Ryim> OH MY GOOOD..
[2009-06-30 19:23:59] <Clef> then spread some jam on it
[2009-06-30 19:24:02] <Clef> and eat the toast
[2009-06-30 19:24:02] <Ryim> I DON't WANT TO DIE
[2009-06-30 19:24:03] <Ryim> PLEAE
[2009-06-30 19:24:05] <Ryim> fliajsdfopas
[2009-06-30 19:24:05] <Clef> because toast is good.
[2009-06-30 19:24:12] <Marathon> Watch it, Ryim
[2009-06-30 19:24:13] <Ryim> ahlahl
[2009-06-30 19:24:16] <Skali> well, the logs aren't updated after the incident in Dallas-Fort Worth
[2009-06-30 19:24:17] <Ryim> Marathon
[2009-06-30 19:24:21] <Ryim> please
[2009-06-30 19:24:23] <Clef> After that, Ryim
[2009-06-30 19:24:26] <Ryim> I..
[2009-06-30 19:24:27] <Skali> so the percentage may be different now from the last archived record
[2009-06-30 19:24:28] <Clef> I want you to go into your bedroom
[2009-06-30 19:24:31] <Dr-Machina> ……………..c◎っ゚゚
[2009-06-30 19:24:33] <Clef> and masurbate furiously
[2009-06-30 19:24:41] <Ryim> Clef
[2009-06-30 19:24:43] <Clef> the endorphins will help to offset the effects of the torture.
[2009-06-30 19:24:46] <Ryim> Can I bring my computer
[2009-06-30 19:24:46] <Ecks_> with the toast?
[2009-06-30 19:24:48] <Marathon> CLEF.
[2009-06-30 19:24:53] <Clef> then
[2009-06-30 19:24:58] <Dr_Theon> Stop telling him those things.
[2009-06-30 19:24:59] <Clef> I want you to go and dunk your head in the sink
[2009-06-30 19:25:03] <Clef> take a fucking chill pull
[2009-06-30 19:25:04] <Ryim> Theon
[2009-06-30 19:25:05] <Clef> and relax, man
[2009-06-30 19:25:06] <Ryim> will i die?
[2009-06-30 19:25:08] <Skali> Clef, you're going to mess up his biochemical balance, throw off the polygraph
[2009-06-30 19:25:09] <Gerald> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[2009-06-30 19:25:10] <Clef> we're fucking with you.
[2009-06-30 19:25:13] <lentilstew> Ha ha ha.
[2009-06-30 19:25:17] <Dr_Gibbons> LOL I TROLL YOU
[2009-06-30 19:25:18] <Gerald> OH GOD, THIS IS *FUCKING* HILARIOUS
[2009-06-30 19:25:18] <Dr_Theon> If you answer correctly.
[2009-06-30 19:25:22] <Dr_Gibbons> we, mostly
[2009-06-30 19:25:26] <Marathon> All, let me talk for a second?
[2009-06-30 19:25:29] <Ryim> Gerald
[2009-06-30 19:25:30] <Marathon> Shh
[2009-06-30 19:25:34] <Ryim> how is this hilarious
[2009-06-30 19:25:38] <Marathon> Everyone just for a second
[2009-06-30 19:25:47] <Dr_Gibbons> Let the man speak for a sec
[2009-06-30 19:25:50] <Marathon> Ryim, I think it's been established, this is a joke
[2009-06-30 19:25:51] <Gerald> WAHAHAHAHA
[2009-06-30 19:25:54] <Gerald> XD
[2009-06-30 19:25:59] <Marathon> Several times
[2009-06-30 19:26:10] <Wilkes> Like Clefs third gun
[2009-06-30 19:26:11] <Marathon> And I'm 14 too; come on dude.
[2009-06-30 19:26:13] <Ryim> Scuse me marathon
[2009-06-30 19:26:14] <Ryim> ?
[2009-06-30 19:26:15] <Marathon> Giving the age a bad name
[2009-06-30 19:26:26] <Ryim> Are you telling me this so i'll calm down?
[2009-06-30 19:26:26] <Gerald> I honestly wish you had a webcam so I could see the look on your face.
[2009-06-30 19:26:29] <Cates> that was very entertaining
[2009-06-30 19:26:40] <Gerald> XD
[2009-06-30 19:26:43] <Ryim> I don't want to die
[2009-06-30 19:26:43] <Dr_Theon> Ryim, calm.
[2009-06-30 19:26:44] <Skali> Wouldn't want to skew the polygraph results
[2009-06-30 19:26:44] <Marathon> Anyone log that?
[2009-06-30 19:26:44] <Ryim> really
[2009-06-30 19:26:59] <Skali> I log everything
[2009-06-30 19:27:09] <Dr_Gibbons> Log the shit out of this
[2009-06-30 19:27:14] <Sorts> Ryim when I was your age, and this is a true story, when I was your age one of my friends was pulling my leg and saying he built the flux capacitor from Back to the Future
[2009-06-30 19:27:28] <Ryim> Should I not ever come back to this site again, guys?
[2009-06-30 19:27:38] <Dr_Theon> The state of being calm is quite essential to the results of every testing, for the needs of every agent is to have a calm "patient".
[2009-06-30 19:27:38] <Skali> Oh for gods' sakes
[2009-06-30 19:27:39] <Sorts> BUT IT WAS A LIE
[2009-06-30 19:27:41] <Gerald> You're fine Ryim, none of this is actually real.
[2009-06-30 19:27:47] <Dr_Theon> None.
[2009-06-30 19:27:54] <Skali> Tell me I wasn't that gullible when I was 14
[2009-06-30 19:27:58] <Ryim> Then I really want theon to stop talking of testing
[2009-06-30 19:28:01] <Skali> also, he may be just an effective troll
[2009-06-30 19:28:02] <Ryim> and skali
[2009-06-30 19:28:08] <Marathon> I wasn't gullible at 14…
[2009-06-30 19:28:08] <Dr_Theon> Skali, you weren't gullible when you were 14.
[2009-06-30 19:28:10] <Marathon> I:
[2009-06-30 19:28:10] <Gerald> Theon, Skali, enough, it's over.
[2009-06-30 19:28:16] <Skali> fine fine
[2009-06-30 19:28:17] <Sorts> Well then we've all had fun today, Skali
[2009-06-30 19:28:28] <Dr_Theon> Gerald, fine.
[2009-06-30 19:28:42] <Clef> On a side note did anyone log this shit?
[2009-06-30 19:28:42] <Dr_Theon> I don't know what to say about that last one.
[2009-06-30 19:28:42] <Marathon> The last one there was new
[2009-06-30 19:28:42] <Skali> so yeah, ryim, the site you read is a collaborative FICTION site
[2009-06-30 19:28:47] <Clef> seriously, this was epic.
[2009-06-30 19:28:53] <Ryim> Despite what you're telling me, i still believe that I will be killed by an agent from the SCP after failed questioning because of fail..
[2009-06-30 19:28:58] <Skali> it's all made up, sci-fi
[2009-06-30 19:28:59] <Marathon> IS ANYONE ON NON-MIBBIT?
[2009-06-30 19:29:03] <Gerald> Hehehe, seriously?
[2009-06-30 19:29:06] <Skali> I'm on chatzilla
[2009-06-30 19:29:12] <C> and I just saw the link, thanks Dr_Theon
[2009-06-30 19:29:13] <Marathon> IF YOU ARE NOT ON MIBBIT, LOG THIS.
[2009-06-30 19:29:20] <Marathon> Thank you

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