Project Foundation
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Date Project Proposed: Forever ago (27/12/2017)
Team Member Assigned: MayD (UI Work)
Date of Completion: (TBD)
Project Description
Wikidot, while our benevolent overlords, is not a particularly permanent platform for the wiki. As such, multiple proposals have been made to move us off of wikidot.
Let's figure out if that's possible.
Proposed Solution/Technical Specification
- Phase 1 - Exploration of Concept
- What tools do we have now?
- What features are "must haves"?
- Phase 2 - Primary Planning
- Divvy up work to technical members, and create a feature timeline
- Buy alcohol for the Technical Captain. (Optional)
- Determine what kind of platform we'd need in order to make this happen
- Determine what kinds of liability we face, as owners of the platform.
- Phase 3 - Initial Build
- Get some kind of prototype functioning as a proof of concept.
- Further phases reserved.
page revision: 6, last edited: 13 Oct 2020 05:23