I've looked into the possibility of dynamically switching the theme used, but as long as we're on Wikidot, that won't work. The only way I do see this working is if we make it a userscript, but everyone'd have to individually download it if the want the night mode theme, and it might not work across all browsers/OSes.
We could beta test it for a while, see how viable it is.
I've got the userscript up and running. Sets a cookie once you press a button at the top of the page. However, not sure what the mobile support is for userscripts, and there's a slight delay before the script's been processed, overriding the current default theme.
Not ideal, is what I'm saying, but it's something.
Ok, so I'm looking at your sandbox site: http://sandboxcrayne.wikidot.com/theme-switch
Where is the switch so I can play around with it too. Plus, if it's working well enough, ok to pass around to the admins and maybe get an O5 discussion started about implementation?
Well, the things is that the css being used is a file attached to that page. You need to install a Greasemonkey userscript (which I'll link you to in a moment) that will give you a button that allows you to insert an HTML tag in the page to override the previously declared styles with that night mode css.
You can find the userscript here. So install that (and the Greasemonkey plugin first if you don't already have that), and you'll get a button (on Firefox at least), that when clicked sets a cookie to remember your preference, and will switch to the Super Cute Pets css. You'd need to put the night mode css into a .css file and attach it to a page to be able to actually see the night mode in action of course.
There's no way to streamline this, is there?
Not really. Fucking Wikidot is all I can say. The least troublesome thing would be to use the Stylish plugin, but that still means people'll have to download the plugin, install it and then configure it to use the modified CSS with the site. However, that leaves them unable to toggle at will. Stylish just customizes your experience, period. If you need to remove it again, you need to reconfigure Stylish.
The userscript at least gives you the opportunity to switch at a moment's notice.
Stylish allows you to switch.
But yeah, no streamlining or unobtrusiveness whatsoever.
Welp. What would be the best course of action here? Having a small guide on how to utilize night-mode and giving out links and files related?
Well, the userscript could just be added to the userscripts page and announced. The Stylish thing could go on there too, but I have no experience with Stylish, so anqxyr'd have to organise that. We could do them both, to give members the freedom to choose.
First step would be to put your overriding css code into a separate css file and upload that to the userscripts page.